Here's What Happens When You Invest $500 a Month (2024)

The short answer to what happens if you invest $500 a month is that you'll almost certainly build wealth over time. In fact, if you keep investing that $500 every month for 40 years, you could become a millionaire. More than a millionaire, in fact.

Investing is about buying assets you believe will increase in value. I'll admit, I was nervous about the idea of investing for the longest time. I thought it was best left to the pros on Wall Street, but I was wrong. In fact, there are many ways individuals can invest without setting foot on a trading floor.

That doesn't mean buying or selling individual stocks willy-nilly. Researching and picking stocks does take time and isn't for everybody. But there are investment strategies that don't involve scouring the financial news. For example, you might open a brokerage account and put money into index funds, mutual funds, or ETFs to get access to a mix of assets in one fell swoop.

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What happens when you invest $500 a month

Whether we're talking about $500 or $50 a month, the magic of consistent investing is that compound interest works in your favor over time. You're essentially using your gains to generate more money. Depending on the returns you earn, the combination of time and compound interest can be powerful.

The table below shows how different average returns on a $500 a month investment might work out over the decades. It may feel like a lot to take in, but it's a great way to see how your wealth-building might pan out. For me, there are two big takeaways:

  1. When it comes to returns, even a couple of percentage points can make a huge difference to your portfolio over time.
  2. The longer you contribute to your portfolio and let your money work for you, the better.
Rate of return10 years20 years30 years40 years

Source: Author's calculations. Approximate values.

This table does not factor in inflation or the fact that we're talking about average returns. Inflation is one of the arch enemies of wealth-building, because it means your money won't go as far. The ideal is that your investments outpace inflation, so you still come out ahead.

How to invest $500 a month

The good news is that returns of 8% or even 10% are achievable for long-term retail investors. Sure, there may be years when your investments perform well and others when your portfolio declines. But over 20 or 30 years, those short-term fluctuations can even themselves out.

Choose the right fund types

You don't have to take big risks to get decent returns. We touched on different types of funds at the start, so here's a quick breakdown:

  • Index funds: Index funds are baskets of stocks that track a specific index, such as the S&P 500. Over the past three decades, the S&P 500 index has generated an annual compound average annual growth rate of over 10%.
  • ETFS or exchange-traded funds: These are very similar to index funds. Many ETFs also track specific indexes, but there are differences in how they are traded and how the taxes work.
  • Mutual funds: As the name suggests, actively managed mutual funds have a fund manager who chooses what stocks to buy.

If you're trying to maximize your returns, pay attention to fees, also known as expense ratios. Bear in mind that mutual funds often charge higher fees to cover the cost of managing the fund. This is only worth it if the fund generates enough returns to cover that cost. In contrast, the annual fees on index funds and ETFs are often very low. For example, several of the best low-cost index funds have expense ratios of 0.02% or 0.03%.

Build a diversified portfolio

In addition to stock market investments, you might also look to add bonds and other assets such as real estate to your portfolio. Bonds tend to generate lower returns than stocks, but are regarded as lower risk. Without getting too technical, if you buy a bond, you're basically lending money to an organization or government and you'll get paid interest on that debt.

The trick is to find the right mix of assets to suit your risk tolerance, and that will almost certainly change with time. You might shift to lower-risk assets as you're nearing retirement, for example. What matters is to start with a plan that suits your circ*mstances today. A robo-advisor (or real-life financial advisor) might be able to help you get the balance right. Robo-advisors can also regularly review your portfolio and automatically rebalance according to your preferences and even potentially lower your tax bill.

Use tax-advantaged accounts

If you're saving that $500 a month for your retirement, see if you can boost your contributions by reducing your taxes. One common route is a company 401(k) plan. If your company has one and will match your contributions, find out how you can get involved. Not only can you get tax breaks, but the employer match will mean there's more money working for you.

If a 401(k) isn't an option, find out what type of IRA might suit you best. A traditional IRA could mean you lower your tax rate now as you contribute pre-tax income. With a Roth IRA, you'd pay taxes today but you'd be able to withdraw that money -- plus any earnings -- tax free later in life.

Bottom line

Sadly, this is not the place for a crash course in investing. If that's what you're after, check out The Motley Fool's guide on how to invest money. For now, the biggest takeaway is that investing $500 a month can be a fantastic way to build wealth. And the sooner you get started, the better.

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Here's What Happens When You Invest $500 a Month (2024)


What happens if you invest $500 a month? ›

For example, if you are able to commit to investing $500 a month in an S&P 500 index fund like the Vanguard 500 Fund (NYSEMKT: VOO), you'll eventually have $1 million, and that includes paying the 0.03% expense ratio in the ETF, meaning you'll pay 3 cents each year for every $100 you have invested in the index fund.

How much can I make by investing $500? ›

Money for a long-term goal, such as retirement, should be invested. Time allows your money to grow and bounce back from short-term market fluctuations. The potential payoff: $500 invested at a 10% return for 30 years could grow to around $10,000 before inflation, 20 times your initial investment.

Is $500 a good investment? ›

One of the biggest misconceptions about investing is that you need a ton of money. That's not true at all. You can start with a fraction of a share and add to it when you can. Even $500 is more than enough, and it can grow to thousands of dollars if you pick a good investment and give it time.

How much is $500 a month for 20 years? ›

For example, an investor who holds their portfolio for 10 years will put $60,000 into it (10 years of investing x 12 months per year x $500 per month), while an investor who holds the same portfolio for 20 years will contribute $120,000 worth of capital.

How much to invest to get $500 per month? ›

To generate $500 a month, you might need to build your investments to $150,000. Taking out 4% each year would amount to $6,000, which comes to $500 a month.

How much will I have if I invest $1000 a month? ›

Investing $1,000 a month for 20 years would leave you with around $687,306. The specific amount you end up with depends on your returns -- the S&P 500 has averaged 10% returns over the last 50 years. The more you invest (and the earlier), the more you can take advantage of compound growth.

Is $500 a month good for a 401k? ›

If you start saving $500 a month for your retirement fund at the age of 30, you'll still be setting yourself up for greater financial stability when retirement arrives. By stashing away that much each month, you can expect to accumulate around $400,000 by the time you reach 60.

How to make money off of $500? ›

Here are five ways you can get started building passive income with $500 or less.
  1. Sell digital products online. One way to generate passive income online is to sell digital products. ...
  2. Buy stocks. ...
  3. Real estate investing through crowdfunding. ...
  4. Vending machines. ...
  5. Open a high-yield savings account.
Oct 10, 2023

What is the best thing to invest $500 in? ›

Below are five ways to invest $500—and potentially turn it into much more.
  1. Certificate of Deposit (CD) CDs are considered low-risk investments. ...
  2. 401(k) A 401(k) is a common employee benefit. ...
  3. IRA. ...
  4. Stocks. ...
  5. Cryptocurrency.
Nov 22, 2023

How much do I need to invest to make $1000? ›

Invest in Dividend Stocks

A stock portfolio focused on dividends can generate $1,000 per month or more in perpetual passive income, Mircea Iosif wrote on Medium. “For example, at a 4% dividend yield, you would need a portfolio worth $300,000.

How to turn $100 into $1,000 investing? ›

Below are some common methods, but keep in mind that they vary in the time it takes to grow your wealth as well as in risk level.
  1. Opening a high-yield savings account. ...
  2. Investing in stocks, bonds, crypto, and real estate. ...
  3. Online selling. ...
  4. Blogging or vlogging. ...
  5. Opening a Roth IRA. ...
  6. Freelancing and other side hustles.
Apr 12, 2024

How much will I have if I invest $500 a month for 10 years? ›

If you invested $500 a month for 10 years and earned a 4% rate of return, you'd have $73,625 today. If you invested $500 a month for 10 years and earned a 6% rate of return, you'd have $81,940 today. If you invested $500 a month for 10 years and earned an 8% rate of return, you'd have $91,473 today.

Is investing $500 a month enough? ›

You can become a millionaire by investing $500 per month consistently for almost 30 years. This is a low-effort strategy, but you can achieve this goal even faster through the right combination of individual stocks.

How to flip 500 dollars? ›

  1. Buy & Rent An Asset. A more unorthodox way to flip $500 is to buy an asset with it and then rent it out for profit. ...
  2. Invest In Real Estate. ...
  3. Thrift Store Clothing Flipping. ...
  4. Start A Blog. ...
  5. Buy & Sell Collectibles. ...
  6. Flea Market Flipping. ...
  7. Dividend Stocks. ...
  8. Domain Flipping.
May 24, 2024

What if I save $1,000 a month for 5 years? ›

In fact, at the end of the five years, if you invest $1,000 per month you would have $83,156.62 in your investment account, according to the SIP calculator (assuming a yearly rate of return of 11.97% and quarterly compounding).

How to start investing for beginners? ›

Let's break it all down—no nonsense.
  1. Step 1: Figure out what you're investing for. ...
  2. Step 2: Choose an account type. ...
  3. Step 3: Open the account and put money in it. ...
  4. Step 4: Pick investments. ...
  5. Step 5: Buy the investments. ...
  6. Step 6: Relax (but also keep tabs on your investments)

How much to invest monthly to be a millionaire in 20 years? ›

This isn't easy, but finding the extra time may be easier than finding an extra $12,000 per year. Given an average 10% rate of return on the S&P 500, you need to save about $1,400 per month in order to save up $1 million over 20 years.

Is it better to invest monthly or annually? ›

In a given year, for instance, it is much closer to 50/50 whether a lump sum at the start works out better than splitting it up over the twelve months, and you stand to be better off with monthly investments if the market falls in the shorter term.

What is a good amount of money to invest monthly? ›

Experts suggest investing 15% of your income each month, and more if you can afford to. However, if 15% is out of your budget right now, you should still invest what you can afford. Look to reduce your expenses to free up more money and invest more when it's feasible.

Is it better to invest monthly or weekly? ›

A year has 52 weeks and only 12 months. So if you invest monthly, you invest $12k a year. If you invest weekly, you invest $13k a year. Here the weekly approach wins clearly with a 7.89% advantage.

What if I invest $400 a month? ›

Historically, a diversified stock portfolio has earned an average of 10%. But even if you only got 7%, by investing $400 a month for 40 years, you'd have over $1 million to spend in retirement.

Is $1000 a month in a 401k good? ›

If you start by contributing $1,000 a month to a retirement account at age 30 or younger, your savings could be worth more than $1 million by the time you retire. Here's how much you should expect to have in your account by the time you retire at 67: If you start at 20 years old you should have $2,024,222 saved.

How much is needed to retire? ›

Someone between the ages of 36 and 40 should have 1.9 times their current salary saved for retirement. Someone between the ages of 41 and 45 should have 2.8 times their current salary saved for retirement. Someone between the ages of 46 and 50 should have 3.9 times their current salary saved for retirement.

How many years it will take you to double your money if you invest $500 at an interest rate of 8% per year? ›

For example, if an investment scheme promises an 8% annual compounded rate of return, it will take approximately nine years (72 / 8 = 9) to double the invested money.

How much will I make if I invest $100 a month? ›

Investing $100 per month, with an average return rate of 10%, will yield $200,000 after 30 years. Due to compound interest, your investment will yield $535,000 after 40 years. These numbers can grow exponentially with an extra $100. If you make a monthly investment of $200, your 30-year yield will be close to $400,000.

How much invested to make $300 a month? ›

If you're looking to generate $300 in super safe monthly dividend income (note the emphasis on "monthly" income), simply invest $43,000, split equally, into the following two ultra-high-yield stocks, which sport an average yield of 8.39%!


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.