Home Sale Exclusion From Capital Gains Tax (2024)

Taxpayers who file single can exclude up to $250,000 in profits from capital gains tax when they sell their primary personal residence, thanks to a home sales exclusion. Married taxpayers filing jointly can exclude up to $500,000 in gains.

This tax break is the Section 121 Exclusion, more commonly referred to as the "home sale exclusion." Learn more about how it works and how you can benefit.

Key Takeaways

  • You don't have to pay capital gains tax on the entire amount of the profit you earn from the sale of your home.
  • Single filers can exclude up to $250,000 of capital gains; married taxpayers filing jointly can exclude up to $500,000.
  • Gains in excess of the exclusion amounts are taxed at capital gains tax rates.
  • To qualify, taxpayers must meet ownership, residency, and other requirements.
  • Some taxpayers may not qualify for the entire amount of the exclusion.

How Does the Home Sale Exclusion Work?

Your capital gain—or loss—is the difference between the sales price and your basis in the property, which is what you paid for it plus certain qualifying costs. You would have a gain of $200,000 if you purchased your home for $150,000 and you were to sell it for $350,000. You wouldn't have to report any of that money as taxable income on your tax return if you're single, because $200,000 is less than the $250,000 exclusion.

Now let's say that you sold the property for $450,000. Your gain would be $300,000 in this case: $450,000 less your $150,000 basis. You would have to report a $50,000 capital gain on your tax return for the year because $300,000 is $50,000 more than the $250,000 exclusion.


Homeowners must pass the residency, ownership, and look-back tests toqualify for the tax exclusion. More on this below.

Calculating Your Cost Basis and Capital Gain

The formula for calculating your gain involves subtracting your cost basis from your sales price. Start with what you paid for the home, then add the costs you incurred in the purchase, such astitle fees, escrow fees,andreal estate agent commissions.

Now add the costs of any major improvements you made, such as replacing the roof or furnace. Unfortunately, painting the family room doesn't count. The keyword here is "major."

Subtract any accumulated depreciation you might have taken over the years, such as if you ever took a home office deduction. The resulting number is your cost basis.

Your capital gain would be the sales price of your home less your cost basis. You've suffered a loss if it's a negative number. Unfortunately, you can't claim a deduction for a loss from the sale of your main home, or for any other personal property.You've made a profit if the resulting number is positive. Subtract the amount of your exclusion, and the balance, if any, is your taxable gain.

The 2-out-of-5-Year Rule

Your property must be your primary residence, not an investment property, to qualify for the home sale exclusion. The home must have been owned and used for a minimum of two out of the last five years immediately preceding the date of sale. The two years don't have to be consecutive, however, and you don't have to live there on the date of the sale. This is also referred to as the "residence test."


Your two years of residency and the two years of ownership don't have to be concurrent. You can live in the home for a year, rent it out for three years, then move back in for 12 months. The IRS figures that if you spent this much time under that roof, the home qualifies as your principal residence.

You can use this 2-out-of-5-year rule to exclude your profits each time you sell your main home, but thismeans that you can claim the exclusion only once every two years because you must spend at least that much time in a residence. You can't have excluded the gain on another home in the last two-year period.

Exceptions to the 2-out-of-5-Year Rule

You mightbe able to exclude at least a portion of your gain if you lived in your home less than 24 months but you qualify for one of a handful of special circ*mstances such as a change in workplace, a health-related move, or an unforeseeable event.


You can calculate and claim a partial home sales exclusion based on the amount of time you actually lived in the residence if you qualify under one of the special rules.

Count the months you were in the residence, then divide the number by 24. Multiply this ratio by $250,000, or by $500,000 if you're married, and you qualify for the double exclusion. The result is the amount of the gain you can exclude from your taxable income.

For example, you might have lived in your home for 12 months, then you had to sell it for a qualifying reason. You're not married. Twelve months divided by 24 months comes out to .50. Multiply this by your maximum exclusion of $250,000. The result: You can exclude up to $125,000, or 50% of your profit.

You would include only the amount of your gain over $125,000 as taxable income on your tax return if your gain was more than $125,000. For example, you would report and pay taxes on $25,000 if you realized a $150,000 gain. You could exclude the entire amount from your taxable income if your gain was equal to or less than $125,000.

Qualifying Lapses in Residency

You don't have to count temporary absences from your home as not living there. You're permitted to spend time away on vacation, or for business or educational reasons, assuming you still maintain the property as your residence, and you intend to return there.

And you might qualify for a partial exclusion if you're forced to move due to circ*mstances beyond your control. For example, you could exclude a part of your gain if your work location changed, so you were forced to move before you'd lived in your house for the qualifying two years. This exception would apply if you started a new job, or if your current employer required you to move to a new location.

Document your condition and the situation with a statement from your physician if you're forced to sell your house for medical or health reasons.This, too, allows you to live in the home for less than two years yet still qualify for the exclusion. You don't have to file the letter with your tax return, but keep it with your personal records just in case the IRS wants confirmation.

You'll also want to document any unforeseen circ*mstances that might force you to sell your home before you've lived there for the required length of time. According to the IRS, an unforeseen circ*mstanceis "an event that you could not reasonably have anticipated before buying and occupying your main home."


Natural disasters, a change in employment that left you unable to meet basic living expenses, death, divorce, and multiple births from the same pregnancy would all qualify as unforeseen circ*mstances under IRS rules.

Active duty service members aren't subject to the residency rule. They can waive the rule for up to 10 years if they're on qualified official extended duty—the government ordered them to reside in government housing for at least 90 days, or for a period of time without a specific ending date. They'll also qualify if they're posted at a duty station that's 50 miles or more from their home. Members of the Peace Corps are entitled to elect to suspend the running of the five-year period when serving outside the United States.

Other Exclusion Tests and Qualifying Rules

The Ownership Rule

You must also have owned the property for at least two of the last five years. You canown it at a time when you don't live there, or you can live there for a period of time without actually owning it.

For example, if you lived in your apartment for two years before moving out and renting it to a new tenant, then sold it three years later. You will have met both the ownership and the residency two-year rules because you will have lived there for two years and owned it for five.

Servicemembers can suspend the usual five-year period for up to 10 years when they're on qualified official extended duty at a station that's at least 50 miles from their homes, and they're living by order in government housing.

The Look-Back Test

The look-back test determines eligibility based on previous home sales. If you sold a home during the last two years but didn't take an exclusion, or didn't sell a home within the last two years, you pass the look-back test and can claim the exclusion.

Married Taxpayers

Married taxpayers must file joint returns to claim the exclusion, and must both meet the two-out-of-five-year residency rule. They need not have lived in the residence at the same time, however, and only one spouse must meet the ownership test.


The home sales exclusion isn't available to married taxpayers who elect to file separate tax returns.

A surviving spouse can use their deceased spouse's residency and ownership time as their own if one spouse dies during the ownership period, and the survivor hasn't remarried.

Divorced Taxpayers

Your ex-spouse's ownership of the home and time living there can count as your own if you acquire the property in a divorce. You can add these months to your time of ownership, as well as to your time of residency, in order to meet the ownership and residency rules.

Reporting the Gain

Any profit from the sale of your home is reported onSchedule D (Form 1040)as acapital gain if you realize a profit in excess of the exclusion amounts, or if you don't qualify for the exclusion. The gain is reported as a short-term capital gain if you owned your home for one year or less. It's reported as a long-term gain if youowned the property for more than one year.

Short-term gainsare taxed at the same rate as your regular income, according to your tax bracket. The rates on long-term gains are more favorable: zero, 15%, or 20%, depending on your taxable income. The IRS indicates that most taxpayers pay no more than the 15% rate.

Keeping accurate records is key. Make sure your realtor knows that you qualify for the exclusion if you do, and provide proof if necessary. Otherwise, your realtor must issue you a Form 1099-S recording your profit and must send a copy to the IRS as well. This won't prevent you from claiming the exclusion, but it could complicate things, and you might need the help of a tax professional to straighten it out.


You must report the sale of your home on your tax return if you receive a Form 1099-S. Consult with a tax professional to make sure you don't take a tax hit that you don't have to take.

What About Foreclosure or a Short Sale?

It's unlikely that a gain would result from unfortunate circ*mstances that result in your lender foreclosing on your mortgage loan or agreeing to a short sale. But either of these events could result in taxable income to you if your lender also were to "forgive" or cancel any remaining balance of your mortgage after the property is sold. Consult with a tax professional.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do I have to pay taxes when I sell my home?

You have to pay taxes on any portion of your home sale that does not meet the requirements for a home sale exclusion. The home must be your primary residence and you must have lived in and owned it for at least two of the last five years, though your ownership and residency don't need to be simultaneous. You can exclude up to $250,000 in profits ($500,000 for married couples) for a home that meets these requirements.

How often can you use the home sale exclusion?

Since you must own and live in the home for at least two years and it must be your primary residence, you can use the home sale exclusion no more than once every two years.

How do you claim the home sale exclusion?

When you sell your home, you will receive Form 1099-S, which has the information you'll need to report on your annual tax return. You'll use IRS Schedule D and Form 8949 to report your sale proceeds and claim any exclusion for which you're eligible.

Home Sale Exclusion From Capital Gains Tax (2024)


How to avoid capital gains tax on sale of home? ›

You can avoid capital gains tax when you sell your primary residence by buying another house and using the 121 home sale exclusion. In addition, the 1031 like-kind exchange allows investors to defer taxes when they reinvest the proceeds from the sale of an investment property into another investment property.

What are the two rules of exclusion on capital gains for homeowners? ›

Sale of your principal residence. We conform to the IRS rules and allow you to exclude, up to a certain amount, the gain you make on the sale of your home. You may take an exclusion if you owned and used the home for at least 2 out of 5 years. In addition, you may only have one home at a time.

What is the $250000 ($500,000) home sale exclusion? ›

This means that if you sell your home for a gain of less than $250,000 (or $500,000 if married, filing jointly), you will not be obligated to pay capital gains tax on that amount. However, there are certain criteria you must meet to qualify for the home sale exclusion.

What can be deducted from capital gains when selling a house IRS? ›

If you meet certain conditions, you may exclude the first $250,000 of gain from the sale of your home from your income and avoid paying taxes on it. The exclusion is increased to $500,000 for a married couple filing jointly. This publication also has worksheets for calculations relating to the sale of your home.

How soon do I have to buy another house to avoid capital gains? ›

Thankfully, you can defer capital gains tax should you purchase another rental property within 180 days of the original investment property sale. There are also a variety of other options to lower your tax liabilities or avoid paying capital gains tax on your rental properties altogether.

What is the 6 year rule for capital gains tax? ›

The capital gains tax property six-year rule allows you to treat your investment property as your main residence for tax purposes for up to six years while you are renting it out. This means you can rent it out for six years and still qualify for the main residence capital gains tax exemption when you sell it.

Is there a once in a lifetime capital gains exclusion? ›

The capital gains exclusion applies to your principal residence, and while you may only have one of those at a time, you may have more than one during your lifetime. There is no longer a one-time exemption—that was the old rule, but it changed in 1997.

At what age do you not pay capital gains? ›

Whether you're 65 or 95, seniors must pay capital gains tax where it's due. This can be on the sale of real estate or other investments that have increased in value over their original purchase price, which is known as the “tax basis.”

What are the exceptions to the 2 year home sale exclusion? ›

You, your spouse, a co-owner of the home, or anyone else for whom the home was their residence died, got divorced or legally separated (or were issued a separate decree to pay support to the other spouse), gave birth to two or more children from the same pregnancy, became eligible for unemployment compensation, or were ...

Do you have to pay capital gains after age 70 if you? ›

As of 2022, for a single filer aged 65 or older, if their total income is less than $40,000 (or $80,000 for couples), they don't owe any long-term capital gains tax. On the higher end, if a senior's income surpasses $441,450 (or $496,600 for couples), they'd be in the 20% long-term capital gains tax bracket.

Do I pay taxes to the IRS when I sell my house? ›

If you owned and lived in the home for a total of two of the five years before the sale, then up to $250,000 of profit is tax-free (or up to $500,000 if you are married and file a joint return). If your profit exceeds the $250,000 or $500,000 limit, the excess is typically reported as a capital gain on Schedule D.

How do I avoid capital gains on my taxes? ›

Here are four of the key strategies.
  1. Hold onto taxable assets for the long term. ...
  2. Make investments within tax-deferred retirement plans. ...
  3. Utilize tax-loss harvesting. ...
  4. Donate appreciated investments to charity.

Can closing costs be deducted from capital gains? ›

In addition to the home's original purchase price, you can deduct some closing costs, sales costs and the property's tax basis from your taxable capital gains. Closing costs can include mortgage-related expenses. For example, if you had prepaid interest when you bought the house) and tax-related expenses.

What is the IRS one time home sale exemption? ›

Gain. If you have a gain from the sale of your main home, you may be able to exclude up to $250,000 of the gain from your income ($500,000 on a joint return in most cases).

Can renovation costs be deducted from capital gains? ›

While capital improvement projects generally don't qualify for tax deductions, they might have other tax implications. That's because you can usually add capital improvement expenses to the home's cost basis—which might reduce your capital gains taxes when you sell the house.

How to avoid paying taxes when you sell a house and not buy another one? ›

Who qualifies for the home sales tax exclusion?
  1. The home must be your principal residence. ...
  2. You must have owned the home for at least two years. ...
  3. You must have lived in the house for at least two years in the five-year period before you sold it. ...
  4. You cannot have claimed the home sale capital gains exclusion recently.
Mar 20, 2024

What expenses can I offset against capital gains tax? ›

Examples of such costs are as follows:
  • Estate agents's commission - where there is a property sale.
  • Legal costs.
  • Costs of transfer - e.g. stamp duty land tax.


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