The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)



ASSOCIATED 1856. PRESS, January one aquare. 7 8 2 1 me 1,50 2,60 2,00 8,78 6,00 6,45 7,60 8,75 12,00 9,00 18,50 10,25 15.00 11,80 1 bJ 1,12 1,88 2,25 8,00 8,50 4,00 4,60 Unu -4. 2,69 8,00 8,38 8,75 1,00 1,25 1,87 393333 8,18 4,00 6,25 6,09 6,78 7,60 5,00 75 1,00 1,50 8,75 4,87 6,00 5,62 6,26 1,00 2,25 4,88 3,75 5,25 6,12 7,00 7,88 8,76 4,75 2,63 6,00 6,00 7,00 8,00 9,00 10,00 3,00 Two 8,00 6,00 5,00 10,00 7,50 12,00 14,00 16,00 18,00 20,00 9,00 10,50 6,00 15,00 17,50 20,00 22,50 26,00 8,00 6,00 7,30 10,00 13,00 16,26 19,60 22,75 26,00 29,25 82,50 12,50 4,00 6,50 11,25 9,75 15,00 13,75 22,60 20,25 80,00 87.60 5,00 7.60 20,00 25,00 80,00 85,00 40,00 45,00 60,00 10,00 15,00 25,00 31,25 37,60 43,15 50,00 62,52 m. 8,00 12,00 16,75 45,00 52,50 60,00 67,00 75,00 10,00 13,00 26,25 85,00 80,00 87,60 43,76 62,50 61,25 70,00 78,76 87,50 12,00 17,50 40,00 60,00 60,00 70,00 80,00 90,00 100,00 m.

15,00 20,00 80,00 Inspia, cu Advertiaments half placed more in than Special column of bus. usual rates. double the ordinary rates. Leaded aud LeE Yearly notices advertising contracts of will the be Advertiser, and all othunderstood to apply to the Immediste sent in by business the Advertiser will be charged strictly ex written directions, will not bid and accompanied charged accordingly. inserted advertisem*nts for six, nine and months, twenty.

celt Firemens, Military, Charitable and Recottoes, tity per cent discount. will be charged at the ot.ces of Mdurs Bus pees ncuce: 1u editorial each column insertion, under head busif One Dollar per square, St 68 transient advertisem*nte to be paid square. for in or less, tor three advance. in we weekly one Advertisem*nts or sanie as daily. longer time than three Wot more than one per discount.

Oaths, aquare or for a outta in dally and weekly will be charged fifty per Adver Cent extra. and deaths 25 cents. AL Hi yearly a payable quarterly. of W. HARRIS, GRAY, FAIRBANKS, Herald.



L. C'. THAYER, 0. Over Clark's Hardware store, Attorney Counselor La Cleve and, Ft LID St. SEARS, ap16 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Superior Street, opposite the Weddell 0.

OTIS, House, Cleveland, THEODORE U. STARS. No. 15 Wate Stret, opposite Wm. Bingham Co.

HOUSE SIGN PAINTER, CLEVELAND, BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate Agency and Insurance' Office, Columbus Block, Detroit west SIDE. GROCERS. HURD, WHOLESALE all kinds of Gooda, Toys, Foreign Also, and Manufac Domestic Liquors aud Wines, Fancy Dealers Quality of Confectionaries, No. 16 Water turers of the Best Cieveland, Vido. BABco*ck, H.

HURD, D. G. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oviatt's Ex. BRANCH, WHOLESALE GROUER and oc15 change. foot Superior St.

J. 31. CRAW Fich, Pork, Hams, and Cut Meats, River SON, INSPECTORS AND Dealers lu Chio. Particular attention pald to consignnrwt, Cleveland, advanced on the same. jand menta, and PHYSICIANS.

G. CLEVELAND, M. relieved from his duPHYSICIAN T. AND Hospital Physician, will been hereafter devote himselt to Has ut City those of his private practice. superior Street.

Residence, No. 15 ProsOfice block, novi pect Street. BUILDERS. ARCHITECTURAL Pattern furnished making. to CARVING, order Also by Plaster MODEL- Orof every description.

E. BOLTON. Block Corner Superior and 0 R. Clothiers HEARD the corner of PORTER, Sherif and Euclid Sta, Cleveland, Ohio. BLACKBURN.

Architect and Cleve SuJ Mi. pertateudent of Bulldings. No. 83 Oregon and, Obto. ANGRAVING, LITHOGRAPHING, Cleveland, 0.

Burridge. Bank NEW NOVEL BY G. P. R. Massacre.

JAMES. Price A The (id Dominion, or the Southampton COMB CO. 50 ca. AUE CONGRESS. SOMETHING NEW.

of reconciling buyers and dealara. we For the purpose the FIVE STUCK OF CLOTHING DOW tully cull extihition a'tention at the (O elegant establishment of on MAYAR, 75 Superior Cirvcland, 0. KOCH, LEVI connection with all kinds and qualities of Ready who keep, lu dne line of imported CLOTHS, all styles and Made lo bing. a article of Geetlemea's Furniahing Goods st colere. Wholesale and Retell.

Every We sell to sult and make to order CHEAPER beautiful stock of Summer Goode- Linen, Cotton THAN THE CIRAPEST! I A Ful' and Cased mere, etc. and etc. be sure of our endeavors to please. Ball on us, KOCH, LEVI MAYER, m6 1yd No. 75, Superior Huett, Burgert MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 89 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, O.

BOOTS SHOES, aplal3dly SAWING, AND ALL ATOULDING, of Ornamental sed Fancy Scroll works for Piano Manu acturers and Carpenters, HENRY by NUELLER, fe18-y Hewitt's Steam Power Block, Cleveland, Ohio. HAVING KENT, DISPOSED OF THEIR ENTIRE ROSE tic woods business notions. at their old 41 BANK STREET. their Woolen' all their Goods direct from the the attention Manufacturer of Job- on consig They re and would respectfully invite Merchanta and the Clothing Trade, to their stuck of which will, lie a short OOLEN time, embrace an extensive variety, cad will be wold by the cause or plece, at manufacturers prices. spli-ly Clevelant.

April 1856. GEORGE HOWLETT, GENT for the purchase and sale of Real Rents. Estate, No Negotiator commission of Loans, charged unless is effected A Conve and Collecting TO brough my Agency. good Store and four good Houses FOR iLousce and Lots, located in parts of the elty, at Vacant Lots to all parta of the city. which will be sold on to Improve.

dtf terms to suit, if to parties from -This barboring is to or warn trusting and mv wife forbid CATHA- all RINE, ou tuy as I will pay no debta of her ing. A. W. CLEVELAND, Quin, June 1836. NOTICE Whereas my wife or LAURA A provocation.

has left my bed and board without Just cause 1 herebr forbl all persons from barhoring and trusting her this on my acc unt, as I will pay no debts of her WM. contracting BRIDEN. after date. Olin stead Falla, July 2d, 1836. FRUIT AIR CANS.

PATENT preserving SELF Fruit, SEALbles, req no war, solder, or cement. Quart, half gal loo, and a gallou ezee. Jet For sale by Railroad Block, Water St. SMITH KELLOGG, of Adama' lowa Counties, lands at 05 for to 010 sale, per 8000. in Adair and AARON acre.

mv94 No. 42 Ontario Clothing! THE best made in the city MANN'S can new be clothing had store, for No. 32 the LEAST SUPERIOR SI. MONEY. So at say 8 thume who deal at our estabWe Hahment.

hove just received, and are manufacturing another rew etc and fash'ouaulo Mampiles, Line ur, of Club. lute Coats and Pants, All of Caselmere, Drab, the latest styles. a so re eived a new stack of Gents' Furnishing Goods, all which we off rat: rices which defy all competition. All those la want of paything in our line will And it their unust interest be to call on ns te'ore purchasing elsewhere, as our stock sold give us room for the approaching season. Garments made to order at short notice, and warranted to dit.

8. MANN. 32 Superior St, 373 UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS FOR the IRON MOUNTAIN COAL co*kE Are DOW prepared to furnish and solicit orders for that superior article. Which is partien smith domestic use, and purposes ubtained, as during well NEWBERRY, COAL, as for loci -team work. and the past winter, as good a reputation as any Bituminous Coat 1n this market or for the City or fore'en trade are solicited.

SCOVILL WHEELER. 1Cc39tr No. 81 River and O. P. Coal Pier.

ENTROIDERIES at Prices, to FREEMAN. Suit GooDS will coye, be sold at a BEST Great FREEMAN. Sacritico, 44 YORK ADV'S. FOR THE MARBLE CO. (CAPITAL.

$165,000.) U. No. S. 898 PAT- Broadway, corner Walker St. St.

New TABLE York. Are TOPS, prepared COLUMNS to exe. cute all PEDESTALS, PILASTERS, SLABS, In imitation of orders for MANTLES, equal in Brocatel, strength, beauty and durability to real marble, and In Sienna, Pyranees, Neapolitan, and all fancy Marbles, some Uulike respects marbleized iron, wood, or slate, it la wholly tree from all superior thereto. and at leas than half the cost. objections which are urged against mere surface work, and beauty where paint, copel varniad, from the temporary polish of the article, Mantles from to $10.

Orders from Builders, Cabinet Makers and others solicited, and satisfaction guarantied. Agents for the principal cities treated with PETER BENNIE, JOSEPH LAMB, oct24-1y LOVEL G. MICKINS, V. Pres. TMPORTANT TO HOUSE KEEPERS and 71 BEERMAN STIET, NEw YORK.

Principal Office 108 AND The HOPE MILLS, 71 FULTON ST. FRONT STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Nos. 86, 37 and 38 Hudson Strcet, Jersey City. The Proprietors of this long and well known ESTABLISHMENT, COFFEE AND SPICE Continue to prepare the Best P'HARMACEUTICAL POW.

DERS In use for RAIRING BREAD, BISCUIT, TEA AND OTHER CASES, They also prepare Mustard, Cocoa, and other articles of daily use in every family, which they offer upon the most reasonable terms. Catalogues sent to dealers who re quest them. R. I. J.

G. ISHAM. N. Consumers advised to inquire for HOPE MILL arti cice. July 30-ly AND MCFARLAND, 33 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK, Manufacturers of the World Renowned SALAMANDER SAFES.

BANK VAULTS, BALTIMORE DEPOT, 145 Pratt Street. DOSTON DEPOT, 14 Howard Street. aug89-ly G. A. J.



SHAW, 222 WATER STREET, NEW YORK. MANUFACTURER IMPORTER OF STEAMBOAT COMPASSES, Binnacles, Spy (lass Barometers, Thermometers, Transparent, Hanging and Bout Compas ea. Constantly on bano, suitable A large and general assortment of all the different kinds, for Steamers and Sailing Vessels of every description. Ship Chandlers and other dealers supplied on the most reasonable terms. mariod6r Worthington's Safety Steam PUMP, AND FIRE ENGINE.

IN THIS POSSIBLE combination MACHINE, of steam THE with a double SIMPLEST acting of Pump, is attained. The steam piston is attached the to one other. end The the piston rod, and the plunger of the Pump to steam piston moves back and causing forth it in to Its eliver cylinder, a carrying with it the puwp-plunger, and CONTINUOUS POWERFUL STREAM, A moment's reflection will show that the Interposition of Crank, Fly- Wheel, Or other device for producing ROTARY MOTION, would be not only useless, but wasteful; for the re reason which that the alternate motion of the steam piston is the very one it is neccasary to convey to the Pump. Therefore, when a crank is employed, the rectilinear motion must ultimately be restored in an indirect way. A of this simple engine, embracing advantages of Great Steam Expansion and Condensation, has been very successfully applied to CITY WATER WORKS.

Three engines, each capable of delivering 500,000 Gallons per Day, have been used for MORE THAN TWO YEARS at the city of Savannah, to clevate water 120 just feet been high, through concluded 2,768 with feet the of 16 Inch wain; and a contract has city of Cambridge, for a similar service. as has An been regard attained to econom.y, reports show undersigned good result oders the Dames in this department. The and U.S. places NAVY. All the Steamers: Navy Yards at in this vicinity reference.

Brooklyn and Washington: Mints at Philadelphia and California; Assay Office, LINES OF STEAMSHIPSAND BOATS. Colling'; Bremen; New York; Brooklyu, Havre: U.S. Mall Charleston; l'acitic Norfolk Mall Richmond; Vanderbilt's; Baltimore; Nicaraqua; Fall River; Norwich; Union Ferry Co. New York: Jersey SUGAR REFINERIES. Messra.

Booth Edgar; Howell City Ferry. Greer, Turner D. Harris; Boston Refnery; Bristol FACTORIES, Litchfeld Hecker's Mills; Lowell Bleachery: Thompsonville Carpet Manufacturing Globe Print Works; Atlantic De American Laine Print Pacidc Wamsutta Mills; Warren Lowell Manufacturing Hayward Rubber N. E. Car Spring Uulon White Leak Atlantic Forge; Burdon's Machine Shop: GAS Cooper's WORKS.

New York. Brooklyn; Buffalo; New Haven; Glue Factory. Washington; Baltimore. Cumherland; Alexandria: Jersey Toronto. City; Knoxville; Savanuah; Portsmouth IRON WOKKS.

Peter Cooper's: Glendon; Albany; Hudson; Poughkeepale; Leesport; Manhattanville; Mount Rensallaer; Savage; Green Port Mountain; Barnum; Kichardson Henry; Stockbridge. Bethlehem Zinc; Reed Gold; Penn. Coal For. restdale, QUARRINd. Shaler Hall; Middlesex; Middletown; Russ K.

Reid. R. STATIONS. Long Island; Ere; Hudson River; Chicago HOTELS. St.

Nicholas; Astor House; Howard's; Marcient's; Cleveland Penn. New DISTILLERIES IN NEW YORK. Fly; Johnson Lazar. York. us; Asylums at Utica; Trenton Barnard; Betts.

Raleigh; Naval Hoepital; City Hospital, Brooklyn. Mears. D. FOUNTAINS, Greenwood Cemetery; Manior, WRECKING A. New York Beard of Under.

writers; Mutual; Amer. Trans. Oswego N. Westeru; Mil waukle; Boston Rellei Co, HENRY R. WORTHINGTON, dly.

28, Breadway, New York. ROSEWOOD MAHOGANY. SUBSCRIBERS would inform the Cabinet Manufacturers, Piano Forte Make's, and others of this City and vicinity, that base opened a yard with New suitable buildings at No. 370 Washington la the pity of of York, the finest where wood tbey to have be found lu the United States. We offer on band a large and very super 120,000 ft.

fine and extra due rosewood veneers. veneers. 60,600 do do mottled mahogany 85,000 ft. do mahogany shaded reucers. 40,000) ft.

plain du do do 62,000 ft. mahogany crotch various sizes. 60,000 ft. Ane do drawbutt veneer. 20,000 ft.

extra Ane mahogany do do 26 060 ft. One blistered figured walnut do 40,000 ft. mottled do ao do 60,000 ft. walnut crouch veneers, draw butt sizes 64.000 ft. do do do various do 86.0 0 ft.

Ane and extra Ane aptin vancers. 26,000 ft. zebra veneers. 47 000 ft. curi and bird's eye maple veneers.

77,000 ft. seasoned rosewood, mahogany, Piano and and satin Cabinet wood boards, plank, and joist of all all thicknesses. at very LOW PRICES and mouldings, upon a FAVORABLE TERMS any other In 100 different patterna, the country. Orders will be Ailed with the WILLOUGHBY, utroont care and dispatch. No.

370 Washington between Beach North HAWES 107495d6m Moore N. Y. City. Wheeler Wiison Manufacturing Co's Improved Sewing Machines. THESE successful SEWING operation among MACHINES and HAVE In Familles, ottered sufficiently tu the long Public to thor with entire test conidence their in merits.

their They suare periority now over others in market--being adapted not only to the wants of Tailor, Dress Makers, Shirt Collar Manufacturerd, but also to general their Momily practical sewing. wation is solicited at our An office, No. 848 Broadway, New York- at No. 107 examination of uperior S. in this City.

WITEELER WILSON MFG. 00. mar26dly Largest and moat elegant place of the kind la the WHINESE BILLIARD ROOMS. -THE 699 and M1, broad yay. New Tables between in one the St.

and Metropolitan Hotels. G. 25 0. E. MILES.

room. Proprietors. m24d'im PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Burning Fluid, Camplene, Alcohol, MANN, 339 Greenwich Street, (corner of Jay.) now New selling York, the near above Hudson articles, River In and conneo- Erie Railroad with Depots, complete amortment of Colors. Dry and In Oil, are BRUSHES, GLAZIER'S ZINC PAINTS, DIAMONDS, WHITE prices LEAD, that French offer great and Inducements to Dealers Consumers. American my New Carpet Warehouse, 552 BROADWAY, NEW YORK.

New Marble Bulldings, opposite the St. Nicholas THOMAS LEWIS, IMPORTERS most and respectfully Dealers to Inform their friends and customers, that In CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, they have removed from Pearl Street to their new and spacious Score 522 BROADWAY, they will of be all pleased that la to new exhibit in to mm, them their Fabric, and recent style imWhere and mense which purchases, have been selected, both from the Foreign Home mand, Markets. and which they are determined to sell at prices that will on terras the most advantageous that could comdefy competition. NEW Comprising CHOICE STOCK, of Foreign and Piano Domestic Covers, Carpeting, Coir Matting Oil Cloths, and Mate, Rugs, Adelaide Drug. and geta, Sheep Table 8xin, Plain and Fancy Angora Goat Skins, together and with every Artiale connected with their bualnesa which they bave determined THE to sell at LOWEST CASA PRICES.

set aside a distinct well department for established. Colr Matting Their and They Mate, have which their celebrity is ent Stock being offer, large, en well the most favorable terms, to city or assorted. and imported direct, they are er abled at wholesale or retail, marledtawly conntry buyers, CARPETS- Another invoice openeded, from the mort celebrated manufacturers the world, WITH IS CARPET STORE. RAIL ROAD CARDS. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI Cleveland to Columbus In connection with the Little Miami and Columbus and Xenia Railroada, from Columbus to Cincinnati.

SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after May 19th, Passenger Trains leave follows: 1st. 7:16 A. M. Cincinnati Exprees, stopping at Grafton, New London, Shelby, Creettine, Galion, Cardingtou and Delaware, arriving at Columbus at 12 A.

and Cincinnati at 4 P. M. connecting at Shelby with the Sandusky and Newark Railroad at Crestline with the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, and the Obio and Indiana Railroad fur Bucvrus, Fort Wayne, at Galion with the Bellefontaine and Indianapolis Railroad for Bellefontaine, Indianapolis Terre Haute, Vincennes, St. Louia Evansville; and at Columbus the Ubio Central Railroad for Newark, Zanesville, Wheeling, at Xenia with the Xenia and Dayton Railroad, fur Dayton and Indianapolis via Indiana Central Railroad. And.

2:40 P. M. Cincinnati Mall stopping at all Way Stations between Cleveland and Columbus, except Rockport and Lewis Centre (stopping at the latter on signal to take passengera) arriving at C'olumbus at 8:20 P. and Cincinnati at 1:20 and making counectione as above. 8d.

Cincinat Night Express at 7.00 P.M. Leaves Passengers at all Way Stations between Cleveland and Columbus. Stope to take passengers at all Stations between Cleveland and Galion M. also and at Cardington and Delaware; arrives at Columbus at 2 A. Cincinnati at 7 A.

making connections 99 above. For Tickets apply al the Ticket Office of the 0. 0. R. R.

In the Passenger Station Buildings. novi8 E. S. FLINT. Su'pt.

SUMMER ROUTE ARRANGEMENTS OPEN TO ST. TAKE LOUIS. THE WHET, SOUTH AND BY THE CLEVELAND, BELLEFONTAINE AND INDIANAPO. LIS RAILROAD. This is the shortest and most comfortable route from New York, Boston and all New England, Albany, Troy Budalo, to Marion, Bellefontaine, Dayton, Sidney, Piqua and Greenville, Unto; Union, Muncie, Indianapolis, ru, Lafayette, Logansport, Terre Haute, Vincennes and Evensville, Louisville, and St.

Louis. 6:20 A.M., Express Train, connects at Gallion with B. Train. Three Trains leave Cleveland dally, (Sundays excepted.) 11 A. connecting at Bellefontaine with the M.

R. L. S. Train tor Urbana and and arrive at Dayton SAID afternoon; arrive at Indianapolis at 8:00 same evening. Trains leave the same evening 9:20 for Lafayette, Peru, Logansport and Chleago.

Passengers for Terra Hante, Vincennes and Evansville leave Indianapolis at 9:16 A. arrive at Terre Haute at 12:15 P. Vincennes at 8:15 P. Evansville at 7:00 same evening, and St. Lous same afternoon, making the entire route by daylight, through three of the finest States, including Ohio, Indians and Illinois.

85 miles shorter by this route than via Toledo and Chicago ty Saint Louis, 7:15 P. Lightniag Express Train from Cleveland, makes connections with all places nained by above Trains; arrive at Indianapolis at 800 next morning; connect immediately with Expreas Train for Vincannen, Evansville and St. Louis, arriving at St. Louis the same afternoon, only about 24 hours from Cleveland to St Louis. This is the quickest route to the Missesippi River quicker than via Chicago, EK miles shorter.

FARE-FIRST CLASS. From Oleveland to St. Louis, 80 18 11 25 Terre Hante, 8 Lafayette, 9 Madison, 9 Louisville, Ky. Indianapolis, Dayton, Piqua, via Sidney. Reflefontaine, SECOND CLASS.

From Cleveland to St. 40 5 40 Madison 5 40 00 Local Fares given by D. 0. BALDWIN, at the C. R.

R. Office, Cleveland. Baggage checked from Cleveland to Bellefontaina and Indianapolia, and from thence to Louleville, Madison, Terre Haute, Lafayette, Evansville and St. Louis. Procure Tickets at the Lake Shore Railroad Office in Cleveland, of D.

C. BALDWIN, General Agent, or of D. HOR. TON, at the Weddell House Cleveland. Only hours from ('leveland to Loulsville, Ky.

Merchants wishing to ship Goods, can make contracta in New York, Boston, Albany or Troy, with the General Freight Agents of the Railroad Companies, or Erie Canal Lines, to whom through Freight Tarift have been sent. Goods addsessed to his care of A. AILLS, Agent C. U. C.

Railroad, Cleveland, will be forwarded with dispatch. 8. NOTTINGHAM, Sup't. For information relative to the ahove routes, apply to HORTON, General Ticket Agent, Weddell- House, or C. H.

BROOKS, Passenger Agent, at the C. C. C. R. R.

Depot. Julv? PENNSYLVANIA between RAILROAD. Philadelphla and Pittaburgh. THREE The MORNING TRAIN leaves Philadelphia for Pittsbur: at 7 A. LINE and Pittsburg for at 7 A.

M. The Philadelphia for Pittsburg at 1 P. and Pittsburg for Philadelphia at 1 P.M. The NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburg at 11 P. and Pittsburg for Philadelphia at 10 P.

M. The above lines connect at Pittsburg with the Railroads to and from St. Louis, Alton, Galena and Chicago, Ill Frankford, Lexington and Louisville, Ky Terre Haute, MadLeon, Lafayette and Indianapolis, Ind; Cincinnati, Dayton, Springdeld, Bellefontaine, Sanduaky, Toledo, Cleveland, Columbur, Zanesville, Massillon and Wooster, Ohio; also with the Steam Packet Boats from and to New Orleans, St. Louis Louis ville and Cincinnati. Through Tickets can be had to or from either of the above places.

For further particulars see handbilla at the different starting points. Passengers from the West will And this the shortest and most expeditious route to Palladelphia, Baltimore, New York or Boston. THOS. MOORE, AGENT, Passenger Lines, Philadelphia. J.

MESKIMEN, AGENT, an81158 Passenger Lines, Pittanerg. 1856. 1856. Michigan Central Rail Road Line. Connecting CLEVELAND, DETROIT and CHICAGO, Ga lena, Dubuque, St.

Paul, Burlington, Rock leland, and all important places in the West. The Steamers OCEAN MAY QUEEN form the line between Cleveland and Detroit. Steamer OCEAN, Capt. Blodgett, caves Cleveland Monday, Wednesday and Fridav. Steamer MAY QUEEN, Capt.

G. Evans, leaves Cleveland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, of the above Steamers leave Cleveland every evening, (Sundays excepted) at 9 P. or on arrival of cars from Buttalo, l'ittsburgh and Cincinnati, running through without landing, arriving at Detroit next morning in time to connect with the 7:00 or 10:15 A. M. trains on the Mich.

Central Rail Road- arriving in Chicago same afternoon in time to connect with all evening trains for the Northwest and South, and with Clement's Line of Steamers on Lake Michigan. Passengers by taking this route avoid that great DUST and LOSS OF SLEEP, and lose no time. For the transportation of Freight, this Line offers inducoments that cannot be obtained elsewhere. All packages marked to the care of G. L.

HEATON, Freight Agent, will be forwarded same day as received, Trains leave Detroit as follows Morning Express 7 A.M. Day Express 11:15 A Jackson Accommodation 4 P.M. Evening Express 6:80 P.M. Night Express 9:15 P. M.

Through Tickets and all information in regard to the dif. ferent routes can be obtained of D. HORTON. General Rail Road and Steamboat Ticket Agent office at Wendell House, and at the Company's Office on River St. (Warehouse formerly occupled by R.

Winslow Sons.) L. A. PIERCE, Gen. Agent. Cleveland, April, 1856.

Streets, tear the Bridge, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Proprietors of the Northern Transportation Line, And Agents Northern Transportation Company's Line, Between Boston and New York, and Cleveland. Property for wise diapatch to end from New and' York, Boston, and all points New England, "via Oswego densburgh. 1856,1 P. CHAMBERLIN.

J. H. CRAW FORD, A. J. CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS, Dealers in FLOUR, PORK GRAIN, Fire Proof Brick Building, corner of Merwin and Division Will, du-ine the present season, run a DAILY LINE BETWEEN TOLEDO OGDENSBURGH, DETROIT! OSWE GO, CLEVELAND And 8 Semi- Weekly Line between Ordensburgh and wego, and Chicago aad Milwaukee connecting at Ogdens burgh with the Ogdensburgh and Central Rail Roads, And at Dawego with the tew Oswego of 85 frat class Ogdensburgh Boston; Canal Boats Between Oswego and New York.

BEING THE CHEAPEST AND MOST EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE Between New York and Boston and the West. (Twe addidenal Propellers will be built and placed in the line about August TIME- Between Boston and Lake Erie and .7 10 dsys. Between Reston and Lake to 15 days. New and Lake .....12 to 15 days. do Between New York and Lake ..15 to 18 days.

APPLY TO OTIS KIMBALL, Agent V. C. 197 R. R. Broadway, 108 State N.

Boston. Y. J. MYERS, Agent ALLISON, N. T.

Oswego, N. up stairs. CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD voland, 0. A. GODARD, Toledo, 0.: GEORGE A WILEY, Agent, Detrolt, CRAWFORD 10., Ogdenaburgh, N.

MATHER CO. Chicago, Ill. N. -This Line offers great and facilities Neils for and Iron transporting from Lake Mar. ble Champlain via Ogdensourgh to the from the Vennont quarries, est.

ECONOMY IS WEALTH. a have article. in the received way of a a large assortment of PATENT ENAMELED COLLAR. Gents will do well to call econemy upon for us persons before who purchasing patronize the linen laundriea, collars, it is as a in eat point saving to wear the PATENT COLLAR, As of they can be purchased new at about the cost of washing the or. dinary linen each, Collar: cents or 5 shillings per dozen: uberal disPrice count made to the trade.

Sold only at DAVIS' OAK HALL my8 Cor. Superior Je Water 6. Cleveland Toledo R. AND AFTER MONDAY, NOTICE all at Passenger present Trains of Passenger this station company of will C. C.

depart from C.P A. arrive and C. the P. Roads. K.

B. PHILLIPS, Sup't; MANTILLAS -B. Raymond now supniled with another lot of those lightsome ADIES' Goods, Co. on are better terins than ever--just in time for Indepen. 63 SUPERIOR ST.

dence. at OCKETS of all sizea-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 COON. picturee. Good articles. AIKEN SILKS FOR MOST FREEMAN.

Jy21 LARGEST STOCK- OF GENT'S FURNISHING ISAAC GOODS A. ISAACS' kinda ONION HALL: THE 174 oor. Superior 4 Union areets, 1856. NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION COM'Y. This Company having 14 First Class Steam Propellers, LEGAL NOTICES.

Charles Muller I PORTERS or Fancy Goods, Cutlery Looking Glass Plates, AND MANUFACTURERS OF LOOKING GLASSES 120 William Strnet, near John. NEw YOrK. FISHER, DENNY NO. 8 JAUNCEY COURT, WALL N. Commission Brokers Bankers, Buy and sell RAILROAD STOCKS, BONDS LAND WARRANTS, AND EXCHANGE NEGOTIATE LOANS, BUSINESS PAPER RAILROAD ACCEPTANCES Give their special attention to the securities of Western Railroads.

All communications promptly answered and information given. REFER TO ZALMON FITCH, Esq. Cleveland. ST. P.

HANDY. Esq J. B. WARING, Esq LYMAN ATWATER. Johnson, 1856.

W. IT. Willard 0. Hi. Roberta, N.

P. Bowler. JOHNSON, FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 98 RIVER STREET, 0, Wholesale Dealers in STONE WARE, ROCKINGHAM WARE, FIRE CLAY, WATER LIME, Salt, Coal Ohio a Lake Huron Grindstones. Prompt attention paid to the sale and or reshipping consignments.

TEW YORK, BREMEN 8. MaIL shipe comprising this line are the WASHINGTON, Capt. E. CAVENDY; HERMANN, Capt. EDWARD These steamers stop at Southampton, both going and returning.

PROPOSED DATES OF From SouthFrom From ampton for New York. Bremen. New York. Saturday. Wednesday.

26 Feb. Feb. 27 WASHINGTON. Feb. 23 Mar.

Mar. 26 April 19 April April 19 May 19 May 21 HERMANN. May 17 June 14 June 18 WASHINGTON, June 14 July July 16 12 Aug. Aug. 18 Sept.

Sept. 10 Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov.

Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. 8 Nov.

29 Dec. Dec. 81 Stopping at Southampton, both going and returning, they offer passengers proceeding to London and Havre, advantage over any other route, for the economy of time and money. PASSAGE FROM NEW YORK TO SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. First Cabin, Main Saloon, 180; First Cabin, Lower Saloon Second do.

All letters and newspapers must pass through the Poet Once. No bills of lading will be signed or parcels received on the day of sailing. An experienced Surgeon is attached to each ship. For freight or passage, apply to C. H.

SAND, 11 South William Street, New York, O. A. HEINEKEN Bremen, CRUSKEY Southampton, WM. ISELIN, Havre. Jan29360-1yd Wire Window Screen Establishment, 109 John Street, N.

SCREENS, FOR TION FROM DUST, MOSQUITOES, FLIES, Painted in Beautiful Landscape. Also, Manufacturers' Agent for the sale of Brass, Copper Iron Wire, and every description of Wire Cloth. ap1d6ma7 a. DE WITT, JR. PRINTING INKS.

WE TION OF WOULD PRINTERS to CALL our well THE known INKS. ATTEN- We deem it unneceasary to say more than to assure them that they are giving entire satisfaction in the largest and best Printing houses in New York Boston. We are constantly supplied with every variety of Book, Job, Card Colored Inks, Gold Size and Varnish. MORRILL mar26aldly 47 Ann New York. C.

LINHERR, ARTIST IN HAIR AND JEWELER, 577 Broadway, N. opposite the Metropolitan Hotel. All kinds of Ornamental Hair Work made to order. mar27a2dly W. C.


FIRE INS. 00. of Jersey Oity, N. J. Node Underwriters, being a take risks Member at low of rates.

the Board of Vessels bought and sold on commission. Steam Pump and Sub Marine Armors for hire. Office 106 River In Roes' New Brick Block, April 25, 1856. a7idly To Druggists and Country Merchants. Stebbins, Morgan Allen, 46 Cliff New York.

IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DYES, ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of their stock of Goods, selected from both the Domestic and Foreign markets. The quality of the articles can be relied upon by the Farally, the Physician, or the Manufacturer, and are offered on the mort reasonable terms. for ('ash or approved croalt. STEBBINS, MORGAN ALLEN. 46 CuE N.

Bertram, Fulton Beckman. ap23a62dly For the 1,000,000 U. S. PATENT MARBLE COMPANY, 90 Thompson N. Y.

MANUFACTURERS Pedestale, of Marble in Sennia, Mantles, Brocatella, and all Italian Marbles. This article. which is a preparation of Marble Dust, chemically combined with mineral colors, 80 as to be moulded into any form and color, by which a marble can be manufactured at leas than haif the cost of the common material, white it exce'g it in durability and beauty. Uniike Marbleized Iron and Slate, there la no surface work, the color runuing into the made of the material, while no varnish is used so give a temporary beauty to the surface. Mantles from 48 to 140.

Table topa, equally cheap. Rights for the MANUFACTURE AND SALE of above for the indifferent States, which will ensure immense returne to those teresting themselves. Information furniabed on application to PETER KENNIE. President, or JOSEPH LAMB, Secretary. NEW YORK.

their addreas. Glass cut to any decired pattern, and packed free of charge. mad C. B. HATCH IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Gloves, Hosiery, Cravats, Suspenders, Undergarments, OF Shirts, Stocks, Ties, Collars, Robes de Chambre, 99 CHAMBERS STREET, (N.

E. Corner Chureh N. B. -The one price systew strictly adhered to. C.


SNUFF AND TOBACCO. PETER LORILLAHD, MANFFACTURER, No. 42 CHATHAM NEW YORK, all' of kines Peter of and George 1 obacch in Lorillard, genera offers for sale use. For particulars, a can the oldest by addressing as above. The Establishment la one of of the kind in the United States.

my Messrs. DIEIZ BRO. have removed from their old stand in the Leader Build. Ing, to No. 21 Ontario street, where they have sale on conry, signment Silver Ware, Clocks and Fancy 'Articles, which will be sold a fine assortment of Gold and Silver Watanes, Jewel.

at a vergain for cash jup19 IVORY HANDLE TABLE KNIVES, very Ane article, at loin priced can be hought at the Corner Stockholders Meeting. CLEVELAND, JUNE ad. 1856. THE annual meeting Rail of the Road Company, Stockholders will be ice Cleveland Toledo held at their Office IM this on Wednesday, the second day of July next, for the purpose of electing for tefate the them. casulug year and for such o.ber business 88 may M.

come The Polls will he opened at 2 o'clock P. By order of the Directors. E. B. LITCHFIELD.

Secretary. 1md ALSODA -CHEAP BY THE CASK, At APOTHECARIES' HALL, Jc25 Superior Dirges. DRY GOODS AT COST! have on hand a few Dry Goods a part them bought this spring, which we will sell with. out regard to cost. Wishing to devote our attention exclusively to the CARPET TRADE, they are in our way and conse quently we are almost READY TO GIVE THEM AWAY.

Among them inay be found Bareges, Lawna, Faracols, Mus In Edgings and Insertinge, Black Trimming Crape, Lacies' black and mixed Hose, white Gloves, black Silks, Summer Silks, Pina, Hooke, Couta Thread, colored and black sewing Sux. Crape Leise, Irish Lineas in that celebrated quality, muslin bleached and bro. Cottons, Ginghams Thibet Shawls, and berage Shawla, black allk Shawls, crape Shawls, summer stuffs, brown Linens, Ane onl Flannels, black lace Vella, Misses' Cotton Hoec, Boy's Outton Hone, black Alpacas, Cords Cassels, Taffeta and Satin Ribbons, Bonnet Ribbons, new style; White Bonnet Ribbons, Sleeve Elastics, Fans. colored and bleached paper Cambrics all colon, Je25 T. 8.

BECK WITH. NEW GOODS. SHAWLS, Organdie Muslins, je26 Barages, Printed Jaconete, TAYLOT, GRISWOLD CO. IBRARY. of Wit, Romance, Raciness, translations from the French.

free on New enclosing Edition. three Beaueat ifully stamp Illustrated. to H. G. SMITH CO.

Box 4210, New York sent my French Window Glass. St. New York, two P. doors west DICKIE-144 of Hudson River Chambers Railroad Depot. differs to Dealer and Consumers his celebrated brands of FRENCH WINDOW on favorab'e terma.

P'artie 8 wishing information will be furnisbed with prices on receipt of STRAW HATS. BENTON 48 SUPERIOR STREET, UNDER AMERICAN HOTEL. have on hand, and are WE receiving daily, and all the Hats; most and de 8AV arable to all and come fashionable and see for kinds of yourselves. Straw A FEW LADIES' RIDING HATS, which we will close out cheap. SILK HATS MADE TO ORDER.

Jur18 BENTON 00., 48 Superior St. LOCKS- ROUND SHARP GOTH, JIC, so bour and 8 day, with or without alarm- -all regula and warranted at Waddell Housed COW 00, A OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER LOTTERIES. THE undersigued, Commissioner of Lotterlog of the S'ate of Maryland, being in receipt of daily letters from various portions of the, country, making inquiry as to Lottery Schemes with which the country is flooded, and which "DECIDED BY THE DRAWINGS OF THE MARTLAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERLES," takes th's method to answer all such letters of Inquiry, and inform the public THAT ALL LOTTERITS PURPORTIXG TO BI DECIDED BY THE MARYLAND DRAWINGS ARE ROBS FRAULE; that certain parties styling themselves Mor. rig to. and pretend be Managers or Sole Agents for the Grand Charter Lotteries at Cleveland, Ohio, are in posters, and said Lottery a fraud, having neithe- legal or presumptive existence; and that another Actitinua firm, styled Murry Co.

Cleveland, Oblo, are also imposters, and all lotteries which they profess to be managers or agents fo, are also frauds. RICHARD FRANCE, of this city, is the contractor for under the Arm of K. FRANCE as Managers and they drawing the Maryland Lotteries, The burluess is conducted have no sole agents in the city of Baltimore. There are, how. ever.

some forty licensed venders for the state of Maryland, who derive their license under him, through his office, to sell tickets in the Maryland Lotteries. D. H. McPH4 IL, mal-a80 Sid Commissioner of Lotterles for the State of Md. STATE OF OHIO, CUYAHOGA COUNTY.

JAMES In Court of Common Pleas, Cuyahoga Va. County. Divorce. NANCY BOSWITR THE DEFENDANT WILL TAKE NOTICE THAT the Plaintiff has A led his petition la the above named Court praying for a dissolution of she marriage contract now existing between- sald partles. Cause assigned, gross neglect or duty, extreme cruelty, and adultery with one Wil'la G.

Said cause will be for. hearing at November term of said Court. DAVIDSON DUNCAN, Cleveland, June 6th, 1856. b42 6wd Att'a for A. BUTTLES SONS, Court of Common Pleas, Cayahoga County, Oh'o.

AMBROSE M. WILSON, Deft. Ambrose M. Wil'son; of Canada, will take notice that Arora Buttles, Levi Buttles and Douglas Case, under the style of A. Buttles Sons of the citv of Cieveland, county of Cuyanoga and State of Ohio, did on the 9th day of June, 1856, Ale petition said in the Court of Common Pleas for said county, against the Ambrose M.

Wilsou, defeudant, the objec and orayer of which petition is to obtain a judgment against the said Amb ose M. Wilson for the sum of four thousand nine hundred and ninety six dollars and fifty-two cents ($1,996 52) for and on account of money paid and advanced for aid Willson at his request and on book accouet; and the sald detendant la notifed that he la required fo appear end auswer said peuton on or DEfore the twenty- August, 1856. CROWELL WALLACE, Attys, for Cleveland, June 16, 1856. dow WILLIAM W. v8.

Petition for Divorce. ELIZA ANN PINGREE. ELIZA on ANN the 28th day PINGREE of May, IS 1856, HEREBY William W. NOTI- Pingree fled in the Court of Common Pleas of Guyahoga County, Oblo, his petition against her for a divorce, alleging therein as causes for Divorce, Adultery and abandonment. That suld cause will be for hearing at the November Term of raid Court.

Also, that depositions will be taken in said cause, at the Of. Ace of Griswold Castle in the City of Cleveland, on the 19th day of June, 1856, between the hours of 8 o'clock A. and 9 o'clock P. of said day before competent authority. GRISWOLD CASTLE, Att'ys for l'etitioner.

SHERIFF SALE. virtue of a writ of Vend. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, and State of Ohio, at the suit of Nelson Monroe, ve. E. T.

Nichole, I shall expose at public sale, at the door of the Common Pleas Court House, on the corner of Champlain and Seneca streets, in the city of Cleveland in paid county, on the 5th day of July, 1856, between the hours 2 and 4 o'clock of said day, the following described property: One Plano Forte, stool and cover, one Parlor Chandelier: 3 Plated Tea Pots; 1 Plated Sugar bowl; 1 Plated Cream Cup; 1 Plated Slop Ish: 2 Plated Cake Vlabes; 1 Whatnot; 2 lair Cloth Mahogany Ottomans; 7 Nupkin Pings; 1 Gold' Watch Chain. Terms, Cash on day of sale. M. M. SPANGLER.

Sheriff's Office, June 23.1856. b96 lind Constable's Sale. BY have levied VIRTUE on and OF shall THREE expose for sal a at EXECUTIONS, puhlic vendue. according tu law, at the Twelve Mile Lock, In INDEPEN. DENCE Cayahoga county, on Iday, the 25th day of July, 1856, bot waen the hours of 10 A.

and 4 P. M. of said day, the tollowing described property, to wit: I be Catal Boat G. G. MURRAY, the execution in fa for of Wm.

Call and others. N. SMIT I. Const. ludependence, July 14th, 1856 jy 16c5410td M.

E. OVEROCK In Attachment. v8. Before G. B.

Tibbita, J. P. of ('leveland A C. LOWBARD Cuyaboga Co, Ohio. THE Defendant will take notice, that an attachment was issued at my instance, by G.

B. Tibbita, Justice of the Peace. against the goods and chattels, rights, credits. monies and effects of the said A. C.

Lowbard. for 432 81 100ths. July 5th, 1856. by G. OVEROCKER, Ag't.

Trial set for August 14th, 1856, at 9 o'clock A M. 1 0 0 M. E. OVEROCKER, G. B.

TIBBITS. Collins' New Hat Cap Establishment! HATS FOR THE MILLION! THOSE IN WANT OF A Top" HAT are reminded that their taste can be gratifled at the New Store, No. 25 Superior Street, Where is always to be found the most desirable and complete assortment in the State. Our purchases are Lecessarily large to supply the increasing dema' for the present popular which have beer introduced by us this Spring. And we are giv.

ing our patrons the benefit of the low priced Cash system. Dealers supplied. S. COLLINS, 25 Sup. Scoville Block, forinerly anklin House.

Mav 8. a3d1y The Fall Anticipated--Black Silk Mantillas. THIS Stock, that was largoly graduated aud elegantly great. having become "small by degrees and beautifully hoto that now In time, are going at prices much less than tastetul goods are usually sold for in season. Place coil and trke them CHEAP.

S. RAYMOND CO. Air Tight Fruit Cans. THE ONLY JAR THAT WILL LAST for years and answer a good purpose for preserving Fruits of all kinds their natural state. As the body of this ware is perfectly solld, and the glaze pure Flint Glass, it is free from the objections of poison, light.

porousness, which have condemned the Jars made of other material. irections for use accompanying eac: ran. For gala by 12 RICE TE BURNETT, 11 Suoerior st. New Books received by J. B.

Cobb Co Walker's Exyedition to Nicaragua; A HISTORY OF THE CENTRAL AMERICAN WAR. By Wm. V. Wells. Price 75c.


WESTERN AFRICA: ITS HISTORY, CONDITION AND PROSPECTS. By Rev. Leighton Wilson. With Illustrations. Price $1,25.

CLARA, Price ROSLAVE LIFE IN EUROPE. John Halifax, Gentleman. By the Author of "Heads of the Family." Price 50c. Township Map of Eastern Kansas. Poice Putnam's Magazine for July.

Thompson's Bank Note Reporter fer July. For sale by J. B. COBB 46 Superior street. SUMMER DRESS GOODS.


SENECA JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS, -FIGURED BERAGES, new styles; SATIN IMPERIAL PLAIN BERAGES; RI CHINTZ, STRIPED BAREGES FRENCH JACONETS, CHINTZ SMALL FIG'D; 3 PLAIN BLACK SILKS; SILK VISITES MANTILLAS; FRENCH PRINTS, small Agures for children. TOTICE TO PENSIONERS. I CALL the attention of Pensioners to the following rules, to be observed in analications for pensiona: 1st. A circular of the Treasury Department dated Sept. 10th, 1865, anship for requires any the cause guardian whatever, of a in pensioner addition to placed the oath under of by the guardian to furnish the evidence of two living according the subjoined form that the pensioner was at the specided date.

This rule to be in force prom and after the fret day of January, Forni on two witnesses that a pensioner placed under for any cause, was living at the date of the oath of Identity: STATE COUNTY OFBe it known that before me in and for said County duly authorized by law to administer oaths, are personally known appeared of and on who to me no credible witneases and made oath that they personally know the pensioner, who is the ward of whose oath of identity as guardian of said dated 18 has been exhibited to us; and that to our certain knowledge the maid pensioner WAg Uving of at the 18. date of said oath of iden tity, vi: op the day (Deponent's signature.) (Deponent's signature.) Swart to and subscribed this day of A. D. 18 (Justice of the Peace or other Magistrate.) A circular of the Treasury Department, dated Oct. oatb 25, 1856, requires that the pensioner must date hereafter of the add last to the pension of identity the words, nor since the he has not been so that it will read "and that employed and paid in the army, navy o1 marine corps nor of the aince Uni.

the ted States from the day of to date application for pensions not in conformity with the above of his last pension returned. L. HESSENMUELLER, Pension Agent. Cleveland. Ohio.

Nov. 1855. ONE WORD MORE ABOUT MA TILLA WE these HAVE destrable BEEN AND MANUFACTURE, Gooda ARE STILL oF OUR OWN 80 pr. ct. rapidly less as than we any other House in Cleveland.

can make them, and at prices 25 just, received, st and 08.00, $5.00, worth 18.00. $5.00. $4,00 10 N. Our stock of New York Mantillas, at 25 07 00 $8.00, 12.00. per cent less than coot, 75 Superiorstreet.

DAVIS, WHOLE STOCK OF GOODS AT jy21 much less than their 93 SUPERIOR STREET. value. COMMENCING THIS DAY. -WE WILL sell our SUMMER DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, MANTILLAS, at cost. Goods on the Cheap Tables at less than KENDALL cost.

DEWITT. July 21. Some that are long enouch to test the hot weather of N. E. July and CRITI August.

ENDEN. SALAD for for Solitary." the For Social, by the Author of D. OOPS 00. BY AUTHORITY. 3 LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES.

AN of the ACT to Mississippi remove the at obetructions to navigat'on in the mouth L'outre. river, the Southwet Pass and Pas 1 1 ex 1856. Western Transportatien Company. "CASH CAPITAL "Incorporated under the Laws of the State of New York." STEMBERG. President, Buffalo, WM.

FOOT, Vice President. GEO. H. BRYANT, Secretary, Buffalo. JOHN ALLEN, Treasurer.

This Company embraces the following lines, viz: Troy Western Line, Western Transportation Co. Union Trausportion Co. Fulton Lake Boat N. Y. Mississippi Line.

Great Western Line. Western Line. kckford Line. THE ABOVE NAMED LINES HAVE sold their Property to this Company, which wll be prepared, on the opening of navigation, to offer the facilities of the united interest of these Lines for the purpose of transporporting Property, either Last or West. The Company have a Line of TWENTY TWO STEAM PROPELLERS running direct to CLEVELAND, TOLEDO, CHICAGO and other Upper Lake Ports.

They have also a large and commodious Warehouse at Cleveland for their own use, and are prepared to receive all Property that may be consigned to forward the game with the utmost dispatch, and it shall be their care to transport all Property safely and in good order, All claims for damaged or lost Goods, will be settled with the Agent at Cleveland. 'The Company solicit from the customers of the before mentoned Lines a continuance of their patronage. For Freight or Contracts apply at the following offices: Company's Office, Budalo W. U. RICE, HUGH ALLEN, No.

1 Coentles Slip and 66 Pearl JAS. H. WILGUS, JAS. BELL, I. CLAPP, No.

3 Court. land St. (Brow way) N. -S. G.

CHASE, Albany; JOIN W. TUTTLE, Troy. P. L. GREGORY, Boston, office 86 State R.

ROBINSON, Chicago. Ill. BOND, General Freight Agent, Cleveland. Mark Packages T. Co." 89 1.856 PEOPLE'S LINE OF STEAMERS, I FOR Chicago, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, The following named first class Steam Propellers will form a Line from Clevelaud to Chicago, Milwaukee, Sheboygan and other ports, leaving CLEVELAND at Cleveland Pittsburgh Railrcad Dock, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.




RAUINE-Capt. BRETT. The above named Propellers are all of the Largest Class, with ample accommodations for Freight and Passengers, being fitted up expressly for she Upper Lake Trace! People moving to Western States, (Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Kansas, or Nebraska,) will And the Lake the most desirable route. The accommodations for Families, with Wagons, Horses, and Furniture in particular, are such as cannot tail to give satisfaction, being no transhipment till they reach the port of destination. For Freight or Passage apple on board or 1-0 CHARLES MARSDEN, Agent.

Office in Warehouse of American and Western Transportation Cos on River St. leveland. ap25d6m SEASON ARRANGEMENT! 1856. THE STEAMBOAT SULTANA, CAPTAIN J. A.

REID. Will run during the season of 1856, between Buffalo and Green Bay, as follows; LEAVE BUFFALO. LEAVE GREEN BAY. Wednesday. April Wedneaday.

May 7 Wednesday. May 14 21 Weduerday. May 28 Wednes June 11 18 Wednesday. June 25 Wednesday July 2 Wedne: 9 July 16 July 23 July 30 Wednesday. Aug, 6 Wednesday 20 2 Nep.

10 Sep. 24 Wednesday 1 8 15 Wednesday. 22 Wedne day. 29 edneeday. 5 Wednesday Nov.

12 Wednesday. 19 Wednesday For eight or Passage, apply on board or to JOHN DAY BROTHER, Green Bay. GOODELL WHITNEY, DAVIS, SUTTON Bufalo. D. A.

EDDY Cleveland. O. NEWBURY Detroit. CHAPMAN GRAY, Mackinac. Merchants at Green Bay wishing to have their Goods for warded early can do so by the Sultana if they forward their Goods om New York to Buffalo by the opening of the Lakes, as the Sultana la pOW in Buffalo.

and will leave for Green Bay as above. mar26d7m 1856. STEAMER TELEGRAPH. THE fine low pressure Steamer Telegraph, Capt. RICHARD BARROW, will make two trips a week between Cleveland, Port Stanley and Port Burwell.

Leave Cleveland tor Port Stanley and Port Burwell every Monday anu Thursday, at 7 o'clock P. M. Leave Port Burwell at 1 o'clock P. and Port Stanley at 7 o'clock P. for Cleveland every Wednesday and Saturday.

The TELEGRAPH carries the U. S. Mail between these Porta' and connects at Cleveland with the C. 0. C.

Railroad Cleveland Pittsburgh, Lake Shore and Toledo Railroads. ALSO, at Port Star ley with the London and l'ort Burwell Line of Stagce, and alter July with l'ort Stanley and London Railroad. The TELEGRAPH has been thoroughly over hauled and refitted, and is in excellent condition for the trade she runs in. For Freight or SOOVILL APRUDERDALE, Cleveland, McBRIDE, NO. McKENNON, Port Burwell.


THE UNION EXPRESS COMPANY are prepared to give Dispa ch te Goods for Cieveland, Columbus, Cincinnati. all unportant Western and Southwestern towns, at the lowest ruling rates, and bind themselves that the same shall be delivered within the time agreed upon Sundays and unavoidable accidents excepted. Having competent and faithful Agents of our own, at all points of reshipment, we are enabled to guarantae unusual Degpatch to Merchandise, Mark Packages Union Express, and deliver goods at the Company's Depot, No. 72 Warren street, New York, and the Western Depot, Boston. For Freight Contracts and Rille of Lading apply to GEO.

M. TIBBITS 00., AG Riven street, Cleveland, Ohio, or BEACH WALLINGFORD, 174 Broadway, GEORGE SHIPEN. 21 State street, Boston; DANIEL F. LONEY, Albady, N. C.

SEYMOUR, Buffalo, N. Y. my211yd 1856. PRICES REDUCED. 1856.


19, 1855. Three Daily press Traina, via. Cleveland Toledo, Mad River Lake Erie, and Cincinnati, Hamilton Dayton Railroad. will take the Cleveland Toledo Rail 'Road Cary. A.

Fast Express, from Station West Side, Reaching Sauduskey 10:15 A. Bellefountaln 1:28 P. SpringReld 2:50 P. Dayton 8:45 P.M.; Cincinnati 5:80 P.M.; and Indianapolis the same evening. A.M., Mail Accommodation, from Station, O.

C. C. R. R. via.

Clyde and Grafton, connecting at Clyde with Mail Train on M. R. L. E. R.

R. reaching- Bellefontamne 5:00 r. Springfield 6:20 P. and Dayton and Cincinnati same ences see Prospectus. PAGE HADLEY, Offs over Post Water Cleveland, 0 Paints; Glass; Brushes! Woodward, Pinkney Clark, IMPORTERS OF GLASS, White CHANCES, Lead, YORK.

Zinc, ENGLISH Manufacturers of EXTRA GROUND PAINT BRUSHES. ENGLISH and AMERICAN COLORS Dry and ground in Oil, Imported expresly for Trade, which we offer on the most favorable Terms. GAll Goode warranted represented. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. NOME AT LAST- ONE HUNDRED TONS LAKE HURON GRIND STONES superior WI P.

Night Station West Side via. Grafton and Clyde, reaching Bellefontaine 1:10 A. M. Springfleld 2:00 A. Dayton A.

and Cincinnati at 6:60 A. M. Baggage Checked through to Cincinnati and Dayon. Tickets can be procured at Stations, or at Western Tick. et and Freight Office, corner Water and St.

Clair L. D. novi? ER, A8 B. PHILLIPS, Superintendent. RUCK NOTICE.

THE UNDERSIGNED, OF BEDFORD, having purchased of Church, Robinson Parke their Chair ed Cane Seat Chairs, and will supply to the trade as good work Factory, together with a large quantity of' Anished and and on as torme any other establishment in the State. dtf-ap17 LORD. PARK CO. GREAT AND IMPORTANT SALE OF Dress Silks, Shawls, T. HARNEY'S, 154 SUPERIOR STREET.

TAVING been engaged for the last four attending the large Auction sales of French Goods in New York, and bave been ip securing en extraordinary queutity of SILKS AND SHAWLS, Especially, which and will be Striped sold at tremendous low prices. Colored Plated DRESS SILKS, 20 per vent below Manufacturers prices; many of them Magnid. cent I can Designs assure my friends and customers that I have never beand beautiful qualities. fore placed for their approval such an extensive Stock of Goods, with as many Inducements to purchase. Also, CRAPE AND STELLA SHAWLS, of every variety and color, ranging from up.

Also an overwhelming Stock of MANTILLAS AND PARASOLS, at corresponding low rates. An early call is respecifully solicited. T. HARNEY, 154 Superior at. TERRESIN ROOFING, the DESIRE being TO the CALL cheapest and most ATTENTION durable to Fire Proof roofing material now in use.

With all the advanin tages cold of the weather, but remains tough and pilable through all seaold composition, it neither hot nor cracks It is about one half the expense of tin, and far more du. rable, in proof of which we refer to many hundred squares of Roofing in Cincinnati shingle and throughout without the Wast. removing It the can be tin sp. or plied to old tin and roof, shingles. to PAGE, Boston, will meet with prompt de All orders addresced to PAGE HADLEY, Cleveland, tention.

The proprietors are prepared to pnt them on, either in the city or country, or they will furnish Wholesale and materials Retail. with For directions refer. for use. Materials for sale Be United it States enacted of by the America Senate in and House of Representative: of the opening and Congress assembled, for the accommodate the keeping wants open of ship channels of suffici. nt capacit- to Pass Pass a L'outie, commerce through the Southwest Into the Gulf of Mexico, leading from the iraipol river dollars be and the same is herehr bund.d pronriated and thirty sum of three paid out o' any money in the treasury not otherwise tote ated, retary and of to War.

be expended under the superinte dence of the Sec. of SEC. the 2. Secretary And be it War further enacted. TI at it be to apply said monera to tne opening duty the at and an keeping rarly day open in of the the next aforesaid ees-lon ship channel.

by progress of the work. the of Congress to report the contract, and an estimate of the aunual cost of 1 eeping neces-ary raid to complete it. ani amount and any contract made shall be limited to the channels pet. appropriated. amount tereby In the Senate of the United States, July 1th, Senate The in President which it of the States having move obstructions to originated.

navigation the bill entitled ecl to itreturned to the river, at the Southwest Past, and in the the mouth of the pl objectiona thereto, the Senate proceeded Pass in pursuance tho constitution, to reconsider the same; and, of agreeing Resolved, to pass That the the same, bill do pass, two thirds of the Eenato ASBURY DICKENS Secretary of the Senate In the House of Representatives af the United 1856. States July Senate The that House the of bill Representatives baring been "entited "An act to remove obstr noticed by tbs west, in and the the mouth Pass of the Misshcippl er. at the South. navigation President, with hir objections, L'outre" to teen the ted, a that the Senate having the Senate in wh'ch it origin-. constitution.

to reconsider the same, procreded, bed R. in A pur-uance That the the raid bill do nass two thirds of be same," the House of Representatives Se ate proceeded. agreeing la to pa.s the the constitution. to r. consider the sad bill pursuan of Representatives That the said bill co pass, 1wo-thirds of the House Resolved.

and Attest agreeing to pars the same WA. CET LOM. Clerk Hoaco Reps AN over ACT the making an appropriation Cate of the Si. Mary's river, lu the State the of charne Mich. deepenin Egan.

the Be it United enacted Statce by the Senric and House of of. America in Congress assembled, Representatives That tho of by. gum of one undred thousand dollars be, and the same 'a ry's river, appropriated in the toward: deepening the channel of th- St he-e. Lake George, according State of to the Michigan. est'mate bu the of west channel through of the topceraphical re.

communicated Mar.mb. report Secretary of War. dated Januarv to the Senate In tHe teen hundred and five: Provided, Trat the eigh. bipe purchased for the Improver of the St. Clair dr fats de'ng may na.

he Secretary employed, when not require therefor at the discretion ofthe stralt, of War, in the Improvement of the St. Mary's river or In the Senate of the United Stalce, July 7th. 1986, Senate, The in President which of the United States harirg returred to the an appropriation it for originated, deepening the tie bill channe' entitled -An the Act mating St Mary's river in the State of Michigan." over with lie Pa's the to thereto. reconsider 'he the Senrte same: proceeded, and In pursuance of the constitution, Resolued. That the said bill do pass, two-thirds of the Senate agreeing to pass the same, Attest ASBURY DICKENS.

Secretary of the Senate. In the House of Representatives of the United Stales, July 1856. The House of Representatives having been noticed br the Senate that the bill entitled An act making a propriation 1 for deepening the o' annel over the flats of the St. Mars's river. 1a the with State his of had been returned by the Preside t.

objections, to the Senate in whi 14 originated. and that the Penate having proceeded. lo parmance of the n- stitution, to reconsider the same, had Remo'ved. That the raid bill do nass, 01 two. thirds of the Senate aureeing to rams the of the the constitution, House Representative procerded, In pursuance to -consider the aid bill.

and Resolved. That he sa'd bill do pass, two thirds of the House of Representatives agaring to pass the same. Attest VM CULLOM. Clerk House Reps. (PUBLIC 85 AN ACT making an appropriation for deepening the channel over the St.

Clair in the State of Michigan. the Bri United enacted by the Senate and House of of States of America in Congress assembled. That the sum of forty -Ave thonsa dollars be, and fame hereby, appropriated for the purpo pening the chaavel over tho St. Clair date, in the State of Michigan. In Senate of the Uni ed Stadce, July 7.

1836, The President of the United States having returned to tba Senate, in which it originated, the bill entit'cu "Ar act Tr AR Ire an appropriation for deepening the channe' over the 8t. C'air data in the State of Michigan," with his objectiona the ero the Senate proceeded, in pursuance of the constitution, to recourtd. er the same: and. Resolved, That the same bill do pass, two thirds of the Senate agreeing to pass the same. Attest ASBORY DICKENS.

Secretary of the Senate. In the House of Representations of the United Staice, July The House of Representatives having been notifel by the Senate that the bill entitled "An act making an ap ropriation for the deepening the channel over the St. Clair fats in the tu of M'chigan." had been returned by the President, with h's obJections, to the S. nate, in which it ori irated, and th the ren. ate having proceeded.

in pursuance of the con-11 u1 n. to reconsider the same. had "Kr solved, Tra' the said hi'l two thirds of the Senate agreeing to pass the same," the Hou of Representatives proceeded, in purscance of the utica, to consider Faid bill, and Resolved, That the said bill do pass, two thirds of the House of tatives to pass the same. Attest WA. CAT.







Faculty. H. B. BRYANT. H.


Instructors Ir the Sclence of Accounts and Lecturers on Bustness Customs. J. W. W. P.








Brocka, Chas. Hickox, M. B. Scott, Philo ('hamberlain Arthur Hurtes, N. C.

Winslow, L. M. Hubby, I. L. Hewitt, Goorge Worth ingron, A.

C. Brownell, Ww. Binghaar, A. Stone, Chas. L.

Rhodes, Hon. Geo. S. Mygatt, Hon. War.

R. DIE DESIGN OF THE INSTITUTION afford perfect facilities for acquiring, in an exped ti. ous manner, a thorough knowledge of Comme cial Businew and Art, as practicaly employed in the Counting Room and Burl pursuits generally. THE BOOK KEEPING DEPARTMENT La under the eryonal perintendence of the most Accomplished Accountants and Teachers, and it is believed that no Mercar. tic College Lu the United States superior advar tagus for imparting thorough and practical knowledge ut commercial sclencc.

THE COLLEGIATE COURSE will cmbrace the wost approved and practical forms for '1 rade keepirg and books Commerce, by Double including Entry in General, the various departments of Wholesale and Retul Mercantile, Exchange, Commission Maunfacturing, Railroad, Banking, Printing, Mining, Shipping, Individual, Partnership and Compound Company Business. All manuscripts from v. bich the Student copies are written in a bold, rapid business hand, which will serve as a great auxiliary la securing to him an excellent style writing. DAILY LECTURES will be delivered upon the Science of Ao counts, Commercial Law, Political Economy, Commercial Commercial Ethics, Cal. culations, Banking, 'Mercantile Customs, Railroading, Business Correspondence, Mining, Commerce, ComPENMANSHIP, Practical and Ornamental will be taught In mercial Geograpby, the most effectual manner, by gentlemen of the highest accom.

plishments and stematic and rapid penmen, who were awarded First Premiums at the State Fairs of New York, Ohio and Mick the present year. We guarantee to impart to our patrons to a more general extent than is done at any lustitution a band writing in every respect adapted to business pursuits. Gentleman and Ladies desiring to qualify for teaching L'ent wEship, will find ample facilities at this College The Ladies' Department is entirely separate from the Gentlemens', and is fitted up in a magnificent and conrenient max cer. The arrangemente for, and patronage of, this department art unequalled. 1856.

LAKE SUPERIOR LINE. Passenger and Freight line composed of the toamers NORTH STAR, PLANET, ILLINOIS. Capt. B. G.

SWEET. Capt. J. Capt. J.

Wusus. oi the above Steamers will leave Cleveland every Monday and Thursday at 9 o'clock M. and Detroit every Tuesday and Friday at o'clo P. M. for all the principal points on Lake Superior; Touching at Mackin.

North Star. Planet. Illinois. Leaves Clovland Leaves Cleveland' Leaves Cleveland Thursday, MAy let Monday, May 6th, Thrieday, Slay 81 Monday, 12th Thursday, 15th Monday. 29th 19th Thursday, 22d Monday, 26th 4 bunday, Monday, June 2d Thursday, Jute 5th Monday, June 191b 9rb Thureday, 12th Monday, 16th Thursday, Monday.

23d 1 bursday, 26th Mora ay, 80th Thursday, July 3d Monday, July 7th Thursday, July 10th Monday, 14th 1 17th Moudar, 21 at Thursdey, 24th Monday, 28th Thuredwy. 81 Monday, Ang. 4th Thursday, Aug. 7th Monday, Ang. litb Thursday.

14th Monday, 18tb Thursday. 21st Mor day, 25th Thuasday, 28th Monday. Sept. 194 Thursday, Sept. day, Sept.

8th Thursday, 11th Thureday, 2'th Monday, 29th Thursday, Oct. 2d Monday, 15th Thursday, 18tb Monday, 22d Monday, Oct. 6th Thursday, Cct. 9th 13th Thursday, 16th 20th I huralay, Nov. 2-d Pd Thursday, Nov.

6th Monday. Nov. 10th Thursday, 1StE Monday, Thursday, 30th Monday, 17th. Thuralay, 20th. Monuay.

24th Monday For Freight or Passage apply on ad or to ap25 USSEY SINCLAIR. -FOR SALE CHEAP cash, Ontario strvet. stun 19 DIRTY A EROTHER. I BONNETS PARASOLS- A Very Cheap, BRST TREEMAN. a A.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.