The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (2024)

CI' iter Ispeclat Features I fcvsnfng Citizen for fie Childreni tht Ptwli Whom Morning Citizen N't Rsaeh. rnmvc ruwan IVUAI LVCIIIIIt Vll.ll.tll. AGES OTTAWA, CAM ADA, FHIIUY, NOVKMl.Ell 11. H01. TEN PAGES PHICK TWO CENTS Imm 1 EN AGENTS WANTED.


THOMPSON, Real EiUU Agent. 91 Spirkt St a Tl. 2H. PITH OF THE NEWS. CHEAP- il CUUIIKS AM iy i- Bi.u I ill SAUK.

111 SAUK. older. n-HNISHKD. I LA HOB 'po uivr St, Sandy lllii. SD i.K-HAI.l.

r.t.l to lVTtie 1 'I" i UKT--liItK'K 11.H SE. (JUKES Stlfot. io'lil CoilUI.t ill. P. r.U.E- Ft ll-LIN M- WW i MARRIED.

l.l;l.MMA':K.-l'lti:ST'.X At Ill' cl Nora, i-Ult il.u.iii.l. I i In 1 I'lo-i II iti muling'', 1. 1 It. i-i i IMrilUUi -SAV M1K -At tl. of tno hril.

f.iil..-r. fit) on n.l.iy tin 11. -v. Dr. It.iiii..iv.

Vl iv. li ill C.t.itn bat were uncalled 1 visit 14 r.illl'.alill' i I 'i li Ml. Mi. If. I lo I II ai by SAUK NF.W P.KSJ- 7.

'OR JL it 1 ri: i ui'iINl N'i I OF. ii'l) i. I t.iy a- ai piles, rtUd.lMS. Dl.lWef L-ii-ii Olit. -AOKN'i'S, 1VK d'i- F.rt Wu int 111 li C4a uuV.ii if lt-l-- IM- iuUvnl Ixst uf ruH loses, el lla'aa-n ai HI In.

tit 'ttaw vicinity. Apply i Nurse: 'J opinio, out. ljAI.ICS.MEN WANTED TO REl'RE- 7 sum tue Ii ri-igi, Nurseries, where vacancies arifc-, in thu Ottawa Valiey. S.mrtv Hill, with Hvx 1..4 o.sce. jii Ai.K A 'i KA.M lr- r.l.A''K ir, nU.ii iVi.i.iiiiTl?rTr5yJl7nTiTiYj Vlcfioy Aaxleff nrrlved In rtl.

Pel. H'ltblirK lal evening. Ontario Liberal rouiineled to iiiiinlnatt' caiall be prepax. I for lib early grin-nil action. President Hiiinevelt ha dnt'Mnl to pay a vlail to the St.

I.uvils cxptmlllon B.1U rrt ui taruiu uh. Ai i'. Jur.n C. l.tu. DON'T nl i nr.

tw.i loin 44 ouch on Iti-fsiTi-i- en't or U't l'1. corn nnd Oi.olion. for $1,. 1 a h.tif on Hid. itu Trt- X.E..

tiiii-si sito In oily n.Uo.r, l.glil. ittnl in nil tlm city I ram Si.i-Ki to in prtw. lo; i t-o li jAi.t-l'tVii UAU1KS CUiu. 1- i. i i i In .1 bust ill.

Id. Ifutft M'n of tin. river. Idem stfC i.v.ii'. An 1.5 yat'K o3 tl.

Kr-a abd Terms hc-ipt ll.k' d.i. UltO't "I S.i-. in" t'i A. K. i.Wo oi this it).

D'ED. IIIIOXSK Il.l. AI oil 11.11.. II' II. t.t.l 11.

Ailit .1 and lain. in Hi "I'M. i SI'AHKS 111 HI li. all I 'll. Iihli.p, It.

I'. I I S'. i It Wln- jartP dUiiietn E. SAUK HALL t'OAL STt. B.

iittii ntuve tu gj.d oucr. Ave, 'V 11J' Dolsu. T6ATIONS VACAN and will leave Wasliliigi'iii In mm, tu i be in St. Louis Nov. 26.

ii Morloy, the Kngllh author and liiibln lsi arrived In WimiiliiKlnn and la a gtii-sl of till1 PtinUlent and Mn. nt the While house. i Ai I'll, iitlon for hall for Murlln ilnn, in Uoml'Mi Jail, on chargea of pemona. OAi.ii I'l'l-tlKS CHAMUKKS; at il i-luck ii. Ill Kuum ii.

oil TO I. FT NO. UYON BllH so. ') liot wsti-r fuin.ici-. i lt aI.Y:-S- i iX EtV KI .1.1 N' 1.

TEX romps, with uboiit 7 lots, l.nurW Ave. fiist of lnti-prin-inrlal brlilstr. CI) lmk' sai.k riu-: hkii'K p.ksii pknck ni 1 with of "nd Liri. drawlr-i-. "in.

in.d (linl' rooiii. o.iKllt lat-8-- -worth Can If I J.I nii. W. A. Culr.

1 A 1' t'H l.I.NEI CAPli. i a' -J i lo it. li-o MARRIAGE LICENSES mil. id wl.u Ti.uriiiOti t. Just hat kind of a Want Ad you may want to insert, nor what sort of people you may want to reach, but M- O.NCli-i.

KAil.KOAii S.VAUi. SUIT- ult SAUK 1 TEACHERS WANTED 'rKA' WANTU'li nil! N'j. tj.uc' t.1'! tiuK'-'. Aiipiy. tu li'll Ul iVUiiiu Si i iiir I'ltACilJiK aNTKD FjK YKAR -1.

tevruon i. 'i. At.lll-boroLJi. Ai-itiy ul.try lit K'lOfil A. tiOwd.

Kirhniimii tl' situations WAIMTEO. bit- tur lul.i u.iy Apply i Ell Bill. tigs' MAI! .3 UK D.STI'AVAUT. ISSt li, Us Spa St.

lLnu-tW'AltE KOH d- nee, (ii.n.'.tlr St. Wlai. to i-iocuu-. 6 s.iVpr I ISSt'lMl HI-' MARKIA'IE VI El. J.

Y. CALDWELL, Real Estate and Insurance, "Phone 1478. 77 Bank St 1 I lli-ini lilt O. Apjty li. Clilt Si oft Knit.

M. anted position yoim. ROOMS TO LET. TWO A'-TlVK'FbKEMKN 7. iv coiu-r tiuin Liu tiii.ucr trc.nio man as assisini.t Iiuukk 'ir jen- Sauk i i I dwelllnc well built of vo'id material; eleven P' rianililiiit, cmrrete liar, eli-e.

lil'dern in ei-iv unrlti'iilai Price lit :.0 fur 'Xmaa arop w.nd to Al.M.M., and ngviil will call. L'UK SALE ENPHE66 HORSE. AP- J- ply Joiiti Lauati. tiiS (, A 1 1'liNS" CALUE.J 1 atiuti.cuiiii, a.i.d hke us ejv 'd. JillVLS liL'OKSL'il'e.

A1.K CiiAMBEitS; j. IO Nov. at 11 uIolk a. Itooill on tin pri-mises. W.

A. Colt'. ilui LAl lA DlO riONAKY, At'- Hi "'MS I.i:i l-T'ltNISHEl a. 1 l'l I'l t.ail,' Si. finl iitlia t.i xp-.

i'--ii n-u it' rtiiuif-d. Apply Uux I'ltU'll. 'ANTED OF AXV KIND. run, ont. p-OoAIi'rJTKNT NfRSU.

A ALU 1' 'N EX i ISi.Y.!' 1-1 US I -CLASS It' F1 r.ia.i'1- S. 1 l''IIC' Ii-iepln'li pliolo' uumiieu. Appiy I 'lilt SAUK 't by youi.g man. siiwing wood, I'l KMSilEli II11OM.

V1'1 sa SilllaOie lor two. MI.U I let! Oil; ple- new brick dwelling, modern 1 'Hi enleiices. It) rooms. 1 1 1 tic re te cellar A cmfoi table up-to-date hoiisu for IS 'ANTED POSITION AS WOKK- -OKNnUAI. SEKVAST; umiiy.

Aipi- 17 J- utio Aiituon ii gil. Addrtrxs 14. 0. wan use 01 kill 1. en.

ll1. Heal ms houseKei-p bt-Si r.teieiui' s. citizen. don't mind leaving city. Apply Box IV.

MOW -XEW SOUTD PRICK R-'W M'ILL LET IX FI US l'-t 'LASS PHI of six houses, Nos. to Ufl Kt-nt I iilo tatnllj. yw citizen. k-ii. Ul.LL OKU AN.

CHEAP, -I Must be Bold. Apply Box Hi, Citizen. I BY YOUNG WOMAN. i 1 'ANTED i i Oloueiter St. Flach houiti' co' ti lnt Imii and perjury, was made before is'lstrate Love li refused.

Wlllinni M. Drader'a utavn and hetid. lug fit. lory, Chut (lain. win de.

'l by fire. Loss IJO.MO. One hun-di-ed men are nut of work as the result the lire. Minister Delensse dliKnmsIng the Anglii-I'ieinh ireiity, said (he position of From tUherinen had been Improved under Hie Newfoundland arrange. tnelll, i ho Sagliiaiv Palt nnd Lumber company.

Sandwich, closed down Its plant today until utter part of next nver Ifto men will ba thrown fill of employment. Tlo- steamers Hoscmoinil, Maskell am! Pliimnier, hnve been detnlnotl at lluinb. isione owing to the low water In the Welland canal caiined by tho strung nniilieast winds. J. New.

secretary of the Ooofl lioads i. oiimpitny, Hamilton, died at hU residence of paralysis. lis leaves a widow and one daughter and two SOIltt. by iii day. Appiy Box Is i.

8 rooms, open plumbing, electric fixtures, SALE PINE PLYMOLTH Apply Mater St. iti 'U LET LAKUE, Wi t-d room Willi open e. l1: (Jlotliesler St. 1 r.APEiilENt-'ED li'' 1--I8IU St. Ctuzen.

A. Rock hens. App.y a Saltsbuty Place. HV Yorxa man.; raNTED" SERVANT, tlon as biifik-kei'ijer.

asbisliuit book-! rin-rete cellHT Modern, well built, A That if YOU Want tO Teach Wing Investment. Price and paitloii- lars at office. t-W' the homes of the thrifty sale-southeast corner of A Hunk and (illmour 4 fliops and i 1 i Vrtl. tVpply 'S fcilutrr keeper, ot- ofriee woi-k; have experience I I'HMSilKI 1 Iti 11 l.MS P' H'R Td PI VE d'lllats; tlrst 1I001. Apply Vittou St.

ill ana can give gu.d reivjinrnenaiiiions, Ai- to Box 14j. Citizen. 02 IKNEP.AL "SERVANT, liwfllinvrs. A sulondld invostnipnt. A ANTED BY A RESPECTABLE nulling, f.

LET-- l'TKX ISJ I KI ItilD.MS, IX llOUM- lite 111 1 11 11 W.t.lV flOMI -I UaUI-K't AVC. i married couple, as canlaker or p.ace 41i of trust, no family, eoud referuice. Ap A Pi leading Hotels. Apiy i'o LOi Sinter. NTKY lilKL TO BE houMinaid kepi, well-to-do people in all parts of the City and Ottawa Valley you should use the Want Columns of the ul HAiSDriUAlE t.NEAKLI NEWj" PIAN'o cased organ, u6 on easy monthly i ayii.eiiis.

ilnums' Piano House, HS iiank St. 51 CALK CHAMBERS;" J.nd. to Nov. at 11 o' -lock a. RuOin 11, i the premises.

W. A. Coie. L'OR SALE ELECTRIOAI. ENG1NE-i ei-mg coat so in tne Serani'in Corres-pondlIlg Schools; etieap for cash.

Apply Ll. it. Citizen. Ot Hli'M. IAL UAHUAIN THIS WEEK.

Fuii sized cabinet grand piano, euoti-ized case, in excellent eoiuuiion, iia. Easy turns of payment. Williams Piano House, Bana St. 51 ITi.riiislnff pr-porty. I'nro and lull par-tifulnrs "TOR SALK "NORTHEAST 'O "UN'KU J- Bank nnd Waverly 3 whops.

dwellings. VrU- reduced to to CHOQUETTE POTHIER, (I KENT A WELL I RX 1S1 1 Li 1 Tt liiul.i.'Ui or il'iublf pailois grille gi'lilieiiieii pa t-t'-i it o. a. 4-4 liliiaoui i opposite ijiininui liotet. ii- Apply Ifc laly Ave.


t. Apply Bank Si. cor. Ut to LET AT liLol US ply at bs Slater St. a2 "ANTED DOUBLE WINDOWS TO put up.

steam. Kas, electrical or car-I-enleiy work. Appiy F. -il Kent St. i- (JUOVV CARD WRITER-WISHES permanent poaUion.

Address Card-writer, Citizen. il yOL'N'J" MAX HAS SriTAliLE TEAM 1 and outfit fur express work. Box 140, 03 I 1....1 nicely furnished Appiy 1.0 cjuerll St. 1, HUNT ROOM, i- on ball) Mat. rsuF'in Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Pnone 1052.

552 Sussex St, VJK PAT-K-STEWAUT CENTRAL i s'-nii-d-taclifd brick house. rnnns. rtnd w.c.. electric llffhtfl. in ei r-ndltlon.

AID BYE LET 4 OR .1 ROOMS FOR JYSTERS-4'Jc "oCA'RT, NEW DRIED houseki't'iHUK, del coll 1' a. liulis, Alotiiei mince meat. i i-L) A GENERAL SERVANT I'V'it c-ok. Apply 1S Sviri' tei" GENERAL" SERVANT Jli t. 'i rudeau.

3 Cobouig. i2 SI Clias. Si hutm-icher. Fr head of tho Mini of Schlimacller A Cn COtt's Bank St. ICIv CliA.Ml.ERS

I I.A DSTON AND lOR SA EE- dou LSI-: "tl, "AoV Inne'VV H.I..A.U.S LPHIOHT 1'IANO cotlauft, i JL Lyon tuuie room, naiiiisiiineiy i in been member nf the Nevr siliiiiLly, will be sold this lor i EXPERIENCED GEN roiuiii--. hath and Hty electric )ik'H1s; now; stun? f-mndatinn, good cellar, Janitress, loti UaiiK St. I'lioue -la. Apply Airs.

ik.UU wil Jan 03 RENT UHUE, BRIGHT ItED- Box 134. Citizen. 5 ON DON IS THEt" NTEiTOF A -facturing activity in Ontario. If you want skilled help, advertise in the London Free Press. OR FARM.

75 TV- looin and silllnn luoin, LnnUiit'd. 14: i'l COMPETENT GENERAL nt, must understand plain cook- der euMivalicn, inllen fmm city. York sin, ex -liaiige for fifty years Is dead. A deputation of alilernien will In-(ervlew Ihe'm"!it of Hie tittawa e't'trlr ra'lw-ay In to the terms upon which Ihe city may acquire the road. 7 Sparks SI.

Ji37.0e, on easy monthly paymenls. ii-iiams I'iano House, Ha l-lank St. 01 CHAMBERS, "lid. eJ Nov. at 11 o'clock a.

Room il, in the premises. W. A. Cole. t'i L'ott AIE.N UP-TO-DA-1 K.

over'-oais. in tweeds and worth and SJO Slu; isy paymeine. Canadian House 1- Lrnisiung 73 St. li-piy Wrt Tenipli.don lnrp" new noils', two ban in. stable, row stable, granary, fdiedn, All In pei feet condition.

GENERAL Sl--nt-i nurse girl, at once. Appiy 30 Vit- Aicljii-eu St. tJ fPO RENT-CoilFUUTA UI.K FUUNUSII--L ed rooms, nimleiii convoineiiies, at ilO'J ljiuiler Uisl. li 'PO LET ROOMS, FURXUSHEl) OR -1- unl ai iiiMii-il all con. ciiicnces, James off Bank.

I 'S. Every Publication on Earth. 70 Rlriran fit. "LIGHT 95 Bank St- Ct ii I CA MT1KI DOK NEW l-rjf -'ordure, i ro'iin- and nil nvd- A tilP.L tun si-work. Apply Nelson St.

AH THE Al'TO TOOTING AS IT rtl fhed. coacJ. LET ROOMS FROM an; U'P- HE DOMINION HOUSE has lr.uii l.y. IMMEDIATELY. CITIZENi 2 Papers are better than I ARTICLES FOR SALE.

i i.sSAND SA1.LV l.l'XX SAT-uiLvk; cruniftet. i'j: day only. ami da deiivcry. Kt Kidman St. lJi: li'il 1 'OH SALiv-OAKI'K'IS.

skirts, etc. ui fasy Jnta.riu House 174 ri'jssfjx Si. 1 KliAT CLEARING FA I AC or KKl VJ room s-ts, Iron 'is. j'tnng--: ar: mattivsbes. L.

U. Wellington filieet. i "SAI.K"- NEW AND hand stoves, rum it etc. J. B.

Hoy, cor. Vork and Sts. wai-ds. Apjiij Weliuigtoli s.M.i-: ave east. servant; iiigiiest wages; no telling now their voles lor winners cast.

Apply jus Laurier Ave. West. 5: -0" LOSER SO THAT 'l-O RENT--2 NICELY FURNISHED line bi'l-i; fmn'aee to Bank St. UALK KiE CHAAUJERS; i. Nov.

at 11 clock a. Room ii, nn tile premises. A. tj rooms Willi board. Apply to date, and all COOK OR a.

some are telling nns. oil cant St. iinstnlrs work, reier- lieve a Torv snviliK he voted fur the Libs. no CM: '01 SAEE 107 CEARENCE ejuiri. Mrs.

P.B.Taylor, 311 QtILLIF I'tlU WANT A GOOD THING Just the IhiriK vou Drop around If VOL COM EAli't-ATK double house in ed S'l'i'i ei(enp best 1 dimi' lliera ol LET NEWLY 1- rltSISHEl) A rooms. Apply 173 Si. OTTAWA APARTMENT H'H'SE. 14 Maria St. pmn i-ulte, la, $33; stove; llghlfl; heattl; also ..1 A GIRL FOR 1- uiiJi-v'i and see us wove got a teat good tiling riming office.

Fotliertnghani tfc 10 read. 1 printed Men Villi ninetj seven cl ei. 11 for live d-i; ars a t. '1'he us'ial jjii' ot these sets are six dol ah. ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED 'L Try us once and be nvinced.

SPARKS and LEGGATT Real Estate, Insurance, Typewriters. 65 Sparks St. Telephone 1618. furnisiied or unfmnished bud and sitting room, or plngle room. Phone 4H1.

EL UENERAL SERVANT, Mrs. Trudeau, 319 Cobourg. a3 LOST. 'j ELI AT THE MAIUK.M1I SALE TEN SHARES OF IN- ROOMS WANTED. pltal, Rideau a Housemaid.

references. ANTED FIRST CLASS T.M1I.K A well defined movement looking; Id Intervention of the poweiH tu securo peneo in the far east is on foot. Japan Is nmre disposed to consider such a movement than Is Russia. AI the sit-ond mooting of Ihe Am. i-rl'-iiii Apple Growers' association, St.

Louis. Alexander McNeill, of Ottawa, urged the members to endeavor to secure reciprocity with his country, i A campaign against persons who spit on sidewalks or In public places has been Blurted by the London, po-. lice. Four offenders appeared In the court yesterday and paid $1 on tho charge. The kaiser has decided to hereafter use Hie parilonlng power liberally In of inajeslc.

It had hereto, lore 'en piaotlrally unknown for him lo a person convicted of tills offence. His Excellency r.nt LL Col. Ev- UOoD COOK. APPLY 'a trd In private family III vlelnly St. lars and titty cents.

Ste iheni ai. itivau's corner of Bank and Lisgar Sis. oTL 'lHE GENUINE QUEBEC HEATER -I will reduce your coal bill by one-third and give more heat. Get ie-1 article witn ll.e words registered, cast on piate across center of stove. O.

lYovost, cor. CumberLn i and sole agent. Phone Sim 03 T.tOR OF HIGH J- grade sabie and esatlila fox lugs, worth for Jlj. On easy payments. Don't fail lo see them.

Canadian House PERSONAL ot McLaren and Bank Sis, Apply B- 14S, Citizen. 01 -1 ceni bonds. LiOR SALE -PREFERRED STOCK IN i an eslabMshed bnailns 7 nnd elimtlllltlve WiED GOOD GENERAL SER-raiit. small family, references. Ap-ii Prank St.

02 AMMa-DON'T FOJUiE TO MY A GENTLEMAN. A ANTED U'ILL THE PARTY WHO TOOK ladies' hand bag from silk counter at Bryson and Graham's, on return at once to Bryson and Grailam or mail to owner. 01 LXlSTGOLD BANGLE WITH lock; name Josephine engraved, on Sparks St. Reward at jCltizen. 01 LOST TUESDAY EVENING "IN Center town, two letters; also photo.

Howard at Citizen. 53 nit m- of tho.M. ilats; 'd ninm near Bank bryoiul 1 nrnislH' at Joe tile Hatlei s. Til BanK St. Maria.

It.ix citizen nflice. .,1 (iividen'ls. SALE-LOTS IN CENTER TOWN. ED WOMAN TO TAKE IX-home to mind. Apply Box 14s Do not allow rxsL-iiri'i'io merchants to sell you iiiiiiaiioi'S HOUSES TO LET.

PART OK OFFICE. 60 'ItO LET tno genuine guebc Htater. The genuine iriEI)-BY NOV. 17. GOOD PLAIN 1' urnishing 73 Rideau St.

1 Sparks St. 1 A i.o IS 11111'U Willi tllllJ'UIU i 1 1 I CIV 1 1 i Mrs. J. P. Sinellle, 02 Aigyle LET HOUSE AUHERT, HEAT- ANTED HOUSES TO RENT IN rnO TOST GREY PURSE CO.MAl.N-ll I' 10 t.n fHl duce heat, will P-ss fuel m.

AddIv 2s5 Metcalfe bt. Keler ed, $30 per Ot 183 and ISO Rideau. 1J i iminpv nnd receltlls on at CrMSOIl Co, nil parts of the city. more consume and last longer Han the initiations. for the woros "yjeoec Heater" i-giier- 0 LET- FRAME HOUSE OX THIRO Glebe.

Apply K.3 Third Ave. Merivaie road, Queen St or Richmond road. Return to Mrs. Thomas Mac- tiermin. Nepean, Hintonburg.

51 i 1.1, m.o3 Biu LS botaui, ft'iiia ori rlamt plale (.. J. Provost, cur. u. n.

jynnoiuii, vi.t-.. and exchanged; also books, furniture Cumberland and Murray Sole Agent. Real Estate, Insurance Commissioners, rpo LET -ngs, harness etc; also for sale sielghs, vlwm 121 Bank St. Phone 1547. 1 easily be ed, on name plate (..

J. Provost C. R. JOHNSTON, BRICK llOl'SK. SMALL, ated, will be to j-! EI.) A COMPETENT GEN-liil servant, with references.

Ap- Somerset St. 03 -cu" "GOOD" STRONG BOY TO 4k after of. ice and warehouse in I Div Wright Hull. 51 i Ml, ft f-fV lai pi Hit FOUND. suit tenant, iiew di

iiO clear. Apply HI Ma'-kay St. 1 I OAIE-MADE GRAPE JELLY. CRAB IX COAL ROUE RT-liave secured thirty at a bat gain, and citizens of Oltawa. apuiy jelly and home-inado buns TRANSFER AND cars of and pies made to order Harrv Bennett's SERVANT FOR J- parcel delivery, unmas reinovea it are going to giv HOUSES WANTED.

Phono 2638. I Dairy. Cor. Kent and Albert Sts. 70 the city, 1 any part of J'iie are now prepared to family.

37s Lewis St. Lne benelit. 50 Ottawa. until this BanK St, $ii, il' spot cash, SA LE SLIGHTLY USFD GOLD take orders medal piano, cost $440, for sauolv is xhausf-d. This coal is toe rpO LET-LARGE FRAME HOUSE 1- on Gladstone between Metr-alfo and Elgin streets, with good yard and stables.

Rent J16 clear. rpO LEt-211 GLADSTONE" "NICE J- brick cottage, 4 bedrooms, bath and w.e. Rent $15. lOR PALE NEW PRICK COTTAGE, J- ETm e'ontalm 4 bedrooms, batL and hot nnd cold water ftirnnee. concrete cellar, all mode-n Improvements.

SLED 25 HORSES AND CARTS coal. Robertson Morris. wit St. 51 SUED' AN ORGANIST l-uil C. A.

aicNee, 179 Sparks SI. THE OTTAWA TURKISH BATH. Next Grand Opera House, ll'ANTlib- OX EASY TERMS A ME- dlum litiiise In VP Hilly o. Rank. Con-eebsioii, Slal'-r and Co'ip'-r.

B'ix 1.1 Citl zen. STORE TO LET. cnurch organ. Apply tiO Coop ia I.tSTABLISHED 30 TURKISH same as they liui- neen seiniiK aim is giving every satisfaction. First come, first served.

Do not this opportunity as It will never occur again. A trial ton will convince you thai tins coal is the best val-je in the market. Otfice 121 Bank St. Phone 1047. Oi 13d XJ bath, massage and chiropathy.

$300 standard piano only In -L use a months; a chance for an buver, enpuire nri-e. C. A. McNee, 17! SparKe 8t. LVOH SALE CHEAP-SECOND-HANIJ gurids.

Apply Chas. Lo ax, cor. George and William streets. Phono fl A NURSE. WHO CAN DO Albert i 4oor tram Metcalfe, pjr in sewing.

Apply to Mrs. C. C. Si Elgin. 51 11 0 P.

O'REILLY, BANK Ml Fl'. d- Appii- Cnai lee 74 MHOI'H JM AND de'-p, bt'-am htati y. Queen Hall ASSAGE PARLORS, 06M: SPARKS ST. 46 Elgin St. Real Estate, 3P eparate cut', lor ladies, iuaie CUES, SALE GERMAN CANARIES, BILLIARD ACCESSORIES, CHALK, Etc HOUSE WA Iok -URK'K 100 FOR LATE el i McLaren, East Templeton.

Ap-leveie House, cor. Clarence and i 52 RENT LARGE, I ORE, best slaiid hi town; hu elat-H open attendant i I A VICFRIXCi DONE AT'81 ALBERT just trom Aew lork, at Li Ri J- ver erly near Meteaife. almost new, deau St. dei anlmil, A. li.C'., Qui bee, a very hnnd-' Mime diamond Hoarf plu as a token of personal esteem and remembrance of Ids sendees ii honorary A.D.C.

on his staff. Some surprise nnd not a little an. whs fell by friends of Ihe railway i-onimlsHloners that they were 1 not honored "-lib Invitations to the Slate hall, while deputy ministers of s. vei a I department were. The wife of Col.

Charles W. editor tif the Haven Leader, drop, peij dead while reading a. paper beforo the Kinipp-Woodruff liapi-r, Daughters of ihe American Revolution, at Soul niiigton, Conn, The court, of reyHnri ret-'Tved Judg I int-iit in a numb' of app'-aii; respect. 1 il'g of SpyjilM slrett properties. Ki.q' of hotel propli'Jt'il-M to be ICS public sehoo; sapfoit'i, granted.

I S4f 153 St. log for dry gooos ol lieial stoic, I( McDlani'ld, Place, .3 I OR SAI large beautiral nesign, jvdjo. T.VlR SALE LARGE BRICK HOUSE 1 on Ni' U.ias parlor library ovcrc-al -l-IOR SALE THE BEST CUES, i chalk, balls, etc. Genuine 'Sim inns' Cloth. Manv new and slightly used tables always in stock.

Catai' gae free. Brunswick Balke Collender Co. MEN'S UP-TO-DATE i in and me. tons, 512 to la lor on easy Hoas-j Fui iilsa.l.g 11 Si, dining rot. in l-xli, nailer 3 pantry easily woi.

Payments. 73 lllii' SHOP TO LET. AND DWELLING To LET nno cost lot for build will Moose arid full T-t(lR NEW AND SECON1J-tables and billiard sup rpHE OTTAWA AND HI'LL HOUSE FurnisMiig i 4l Sussex between 1'ork Sts. AM) RAINCOATS I OP. sale; stock.

Mrs. Lamothe, tkiT Somerset St. WHERE DID YOU" GEl your Lizzie; My mother bought them at 221 Rideau St. T.tOR EXHIBITION SIGNS. SHOW hand pool U'Oli SALE-4 WORTH Slti for ill casii.

Orison and KTED IMMEDIATELY' AT 81 general servant, in a small no children, no washing. 01 SERVANT a small fannly; no washing; no tr- work. Apply Mrs. R. V.

Sinclair. IpLaren st. 52 i' UD A POS ItTonTaS" A CL ERK IB a gem-ral btore. For L. Box 70, Mountaln.

52 fc -En- HOUSEMAID FOR THE 'iy Stonley Institute; wages $10.00 I.KT. plies. Chas. Handreviiie, iMcnoiaa ARR1AGE SHOP 'I H3 St. L-l J.

Ten, pi- St. 2 tORSETS TO ORDER LATEST 1M- pioveni'-ats, and peifect fil- $4, Wj. -OR SALE- NEW BRICK HOUSE OX i library, dlnlne room. bedrooms, id lot. SALE P.EAUT1FUU BRICK l.ouse an Itiissell avenue, full Pit -IV, KALE- NEW BRICK HOUSE S' ea-'set St P.edU'-ed to Ool, OFFICES TO LET.

Ready made i-m up. Any go to 181 inncrs. mane alteri a arid at Waiters, 16i cards ai'O FSIRABLE OFFICES IN STRATH jne i wm en i Lank St. Reg.stry tor servants. I TAW A DESPATCH 4 S' rpEEEPHON during Stephen iS4 Sp ATERPRO )F COVERS FOR HOR-ses and wagons; coai bags and FARM FOR SALE.

J'OR SALE FARM i ACHES, Hi: IV-X aoie lot paiiiliy ganieu-ii. g. li, w- if and a' C'iiomo-datlon for U.o la as, n.i'' Horn (jl. lad a frill HiiHiiK-' ll'ldne. Po.

31 Prompt, reliable ines. -1 and and Aff'-n Iv-endent at the institut' It n. or at Protestant Hos gt-ning hours. ON di-vt' HVE DOUBLE OFFICE Special rates quoted senger fei- 1 1 first floor of the new Cit.z-: regular rs. l.alUe A.

HUDSON 4V CO, 202 Queen Just East of Bank St. Telephone 2114. J. M. MA'JKAY.

INSTITUTE FOR tri-a aichoilsm. Ur. J. A TAILORS. eral canvas worK.

Tobln Tent and Awning 'J'liird Ave. Pnone 132. WOOD" FOR THE THOUSANDS" 11 First i.U. hardwooc, delivered in any quantity, cut any length. Dry 4 ft.

nard siabs. best I aei vaiue on the cut any I'rngtl-. Soft wood. Diy Iiindiirig- Careful delivery, Joi.u lieney it Son. 20 Sparks St.

'Pnone 4J. repres'n'a' ave. and 55 A bt DRt fiavj P. fiavignac, O. 3ED-MKN BETWEEN 25 AND to take permanent and paying fas at fixed "salaries and commis-i One hundred openings ready, work required.

For particulars Js Luke Bros. Montreal. tfs New Jersey, of as sucf essfully is. There wus sts pr'seiit, n-of New Jersey JEAL onlld'ntial;, of g'l' Ottawa O-P. Box i ESTATE.

INSURANCE AND Agen-s, Aactlon-'-r- and i. Rer, Ik. Mortgages and Ae- 2345. Building. TM apartment is ine office for lease.

Rental is moderate and include heating, waning, 1'gMing and taxes. Building is absolutely fireproof and is first-class In every particular. -or terms app.y M-ssrs. Southam. Citizen office.

ine ox Wellington with fc-ood va'i'it. Apply Christie, fiwni Hi'l. ID Wellington The tin- I'll a-' a e.U lo V. and Ma ia ARliRoiiE in ll' i'ei. Properties T'-r and P'.

ilKNTLEM EN '1 ,,,.,) 1 pa I. Is a I I. tin K. Pioi.e go nxi-t is. grar nnd s-i barbs 2t'2 Cjaeen.

epy pal! II I r. had I Tado ina-. q-'HE 1 V. i 1JERSOXAT cured "YPEWRJTER AXO Room 17. Trust 'or, F3lg n.

PORfTIVELY '35 Siater St. AGE, ELECTRICITY, --U 6 ii.' 1. GENUINE OL'EBEC HEATER give iu per cent heat wi.h a of coai or than ny aater ir. Tne genuine aris Heaier' reg s.e ed, plate.

J. J'lovost, cur. Cum- WESLEY BICK. Peal Estate and Loan Agent, 1'3 Eank St. Phone 41.

LeBreton GENTLEMEN'S COAT; I A DI Ec AND jt-KSMITH WANTED. YOUNO with two years' experience. Apply fatrick also carriage maker, MEN FOR THE LUM-i jr camps for the Victoria Harbor "'aland and Graves, Eddy Bros. futarto Lumber the C. Beck Aigorna Commercial Co.

Ship t-'-esday and Friday nights. Ad-y-isoa 302 Queen St. Phone ACCOUNTANTS. de line i 3J tarra St Eas v. ho has Just indon, says Canada's 1 tr wli! be riing ail toe money T.

p. tioii. puhh'd wPh vigor. 1 Lyon o' A. LARMONTH.

CHARTERED AC- id IS-ERS S-aoe IF. PARK NKX'I lots now on 1 deposit re- -EN A- MERCHANT 7 ItoiS St. i its, sole agenl. "LY NOTIFlEo part of yoor t. at Lallaise 45 Elgin St.

Phone BLATCH. CHARTERS h- TUITION. l.i 'OK alio p' er i- na ov.n it'erla made op a-'d 'tills lo oro. r. and AND BUILD- VJ accoontant.

Pi.un iir'j RKHHING SUIT, i'" Sparks Chambers, ilo 153i. TJETER LARMONTH. 1' A'irn WOOD FOR SALE. CHARTERED 2:4 K'. accountant, auditor, tru-'ee.

assignee. 12 Centra! Chambers, tawa. JTED BRIGHT BOT3 AND -o take orders for the C.r.s mas Free outfit; big profits. Ottawa and Agency Co. ttt'TED W'MOKE LADIES AND to take oui free trial les-Ui t-e Famous Syllabic System of fj just to prove to you that we advertise; that is to you enmnetent,raTir.r.r wrlr- JOLICEUR'S LIST.

COLL e-s teach'rs. mstructio School. JJ i.o.-.e B. TEA it method. "-H.

DAY I ri. gir. at any At 4 of Fr Somer--et XOXo IP- ig.y low 1-'- a St Fancy can-I'r1 its Laa-4. street, HANOE- E.X-. -i Hun- DENTAL.

arilvl In Toronto, i' v. lli spend ihree days In Uord Mlnto was the of lip- 7'oionto Lady a--oiiip Ciark and Ca to the armories and pre-0 to the Ciena-Uers. jep.ited that on- of the silver Cobalt, near Haileybury, Lake has he'n sold to wi, i will carry on de. work oil a large B'-aJe, and a tntre for the tieatmenl I LLUS3 RATED I'OHT 1 Fair thin soover li Books and VP w- 144 Rideau Kt.

P. 'irand Union News I'. s-- rREN' Dr o. k. gi liSON.

Rooni 1'. Bank CL cor. E.trk and r.o to 150 words per minute in dry, aid I. Jgar-, r.e ,7. r.

OP ALL g. Briog'. V'OOD, JOHN Pi.ooe 'S OF DP.i p- and it phone lit. and t'j J. E.

E. STANLEj. one c-or east of hssor.s Md- rpHE ART GRAHE barrei ''K Ocaa LASSES IN nu 1 Ii -in: Fit IMPROVED TURKISH BATH. 55-53 Albert St, near Elgin SlL we enrolled ove st-'-3 year the Irg-rt the city ive J25 ti1 U.n m-ntr--' h-Td urse in stnogTaphy at th" Syl- C0lk-e ti foo.t. "saeesmenTthere dv-r if that f-q jals liberal salary or com- tand-iri onvr.od-n:"i;? nrt dfIay it B'-iT Ottawa.

wf 441. bar Firing an r' CHANCES. -t 11 SWEATING "eatr-'nt, p.ur.g:. icsa iv titiiU'T, sa.t. -l'" -irsi Ladies.

v- a.m.: genti -ni AXAI.y.T-. road to Lit C-i'ir-es bv 344 Lew Ht i 152 BANK "P- bo- Ke a jt' worlo '-tea her in Er.g:; YET F' i 1 8t. proofread shorthand RESTAURANTS AND CAFES. THE WEATHER Ho-J af'e and evenirg. -in LOCKS.VilTHS.

Nov. Jh-Tho iK-h'iJt ii fiie oe i I fai weather re-Dornlniori, l.roviriees J. ef t- Fa LOCK A-. laiiais- OF ALL 7 JUST ItB- a .,4 jSX TH'sSit i'H GALLER7 I-OP. SALE w.n, r.a opposU.on.

Address li 'dL H' LD- O. cit. ci.l gel you an f.r.g expense. Fortunes -i e. i Bi.y A FIRST-CLASS is p.yr.f a eu pro-i; to pe- year, Addrese Bax liT, c.

l- il ESE LLU.CH. Cor, Albert. VBMAN rliers. et Wei 7 Tempera- NEW YORK CHI fcg 0 Conr or Si jn i metal aut'. repaired.

Port it: a gary 1X-5J A-thur 14-34, To. in D-22. Ottawa u.j:, st PAINTERS. ax HOL'-i tinting. BANK iter, -Fair an-J coiv OAYNOR.TEA' i P.e.rv at SANTiEP-P -an -r VOICE etc.'i, at rr.ii I teaching 'NG-- es r.ow -JAM- BAILEY CO- MAPLE LEAF DINING ROOM WATCriMAKEF.S. fa'-hiee iioo ana brass Foandr 211 You Ener Stop to Think 522 Qjeen St. tsn Phone 94o. and Restaurant. Be We.

I IE OF CHARGE pi LEAF XIAPi.t- E3 A LI I DININ ROOM b-. M- wante: o.a Macasirat-iS r. Kdife tools ex- Yjs. ewiy AftS. U'ktX.

ture CELLANEOUS. MEL PUP. ST ffl ijj. HMA.NH uniformity reeaos It. work The fit of and srro.o;'-! eiges of col- are feature of the work when do by Raker laundry Co.

We.iU gtori vrfce'- Phone "Ottawa Dairy" for Nepolitar Ue Cream Bricks or Individuals. U'ANi ajr'-. r-or. hi. AH AT into 3t Ha- Antning to sell? Try a St-nail Ad.

in the Citizen's famous For Sa part B7n: sea in proc It column. et-, rae 1 Co- iiT Strati i.

The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.