The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

Social- Theaters Radio News THE SPRINGFIELD UNION Springfield Sundar Republican SPRINGFIELD, AUGUST 18, 1940 Final Symphony Concert Today in Berkshire Hills Turns Attention to Fall Close of Berkshire Musical Period Is Peak of MidSummer Season -Real Season Comes in Autumn With Weddings, Sporting Events and Many Weekend Parties Lenox Dog Show Will Be Held the 31st With Great Barrington Show the Next Day Memorial Trophy to Be Offered at Lenox Show by Mrs Frederick Sharer Crofts in co*cker Spaniel Class -Ascension Farm School at South Lee Will Have Annual Tea and Field Day the 29th and Annual Bazar for Benefit of School September 14 Wyantenuck Ball Last Night Special Dispatch to The Sunday Union ERKSHIRE HILLS, Aug. eighth Berkshire concert musical tonight period by is the final one tomorrow afternoon. the autumn with weddings, sporting the fore. On Saturday, the 31st, the the Great Barrington Kennel club 600 dogs are expected to be entered offers Memorial Trophy Drs Frederick Sharer Crofts of New' York city. who is with her mother, Mrs Henry Livingston Lee.

at the Lenox club, is offering a nit morial trophy for her father in the co*cker spaniel class. The late Mr WAS 1 founder of the Lenox Kennel club. in other years Miss Kate Cary. also a founder of the club. is giving sterling silver trophy and $25 in cash for the best dog in the show which will be held 011 the Foxhollow school grounds.

Giraud Foster is giving sterling silver trophy for the best American-bred dog. The total value of cash and trophy prizes is close to $1000. In variety groups sterling silver cups are being offered as follows: Sporting. hy John P. S.

Harrison: nonsporting. by J. Macy Willets: hound. by Miss Elizabeth L. Godwin; terrier.

by Miss Anna Remsen Alexandre: working, by Darwin Spurr Morse: top, by Drs Carlos M. do Heredia: English spaniels, by Miss Elizabeth G. Lundlow: obedience utility, by Mrs WV. Gibbs; Afghan hounds, by Mry Lucy Wadhams Dodge: beagles, by Frederick S. Delafield.

Officers of the Lenox Kennel eith are its follows: Honorary president. Miss Kate Cary: president, Giraud Foster; vice-presidents, John I'. S. Harrison and Mrs Frederick S. Doltfield; treasurer.

Miss Jane Peters: secretary. J. Matey Willets; assistant secretary. Miss Nancy T. Patten; show committee, John P.

S. Harrison, chairman. Misses Anna Hemsen Xandre, Elizabeth L. Godwin. Nancy T.

Patten. J. Mary Willets, W. TayJor Day and I. larry D'eters.

who has been identified with the Lenox dog show for 46 years. Wyantenuck Ball Wyantenuck Country club. Great Harrington, held its auntial gust ball tonight with an attendance of more than 300 from the south Berkshire resort towns. Fully 100 were in dinner parties at the club. has elected these ofPresident: S.

Jarvis. wha John F. Hull. vi president. William F.

Pearson: Maherty: retary. Frederick A. treasurer, William T. I'lace. Airs George Social -Theaters Radio News 0337 ASHFIELD CHURCH Last Two Weeks of Season SCENE OF BRIDAL Miss Barbara R.

Dufresne Marries Helge J. Johnson of This City Reception for 200 Guests Follows The Ashfield Congregational church was the scene of the wedding yester. day afternoon at 4.30 of Miss Bartara Ruth Dufresne, daughter of Dr and Airs Joseph Dufresne of I'lainheld, and Ilege J. Johnson. son of My and Mrs Arthur Johnson of Brac Burn load.

this city. lev G. Webster lierman of West Cornwall, it former l'lainfield pastor, performed the ceremony and the wedding music was played by John Lamroc of this city. Given in marriage by her father, the bride Wore a gown of white point 'sprit, princess style. Her fingertip eil of illusion WAS caught with OTange blossoms, and she carried it colonial bouquet of mixed white flowers.

Airs Elizabeth Erickson of. East Longmeadow, matron of honor, wore it gown of poudre blue Swiss organdy with matching doll hat, and carried mixed colonic bouquet of pink and llue flowers. The bridemaids, Misses Elaine Belisle, Ruth Leonard, Virginia Sanderson. former classmates of the at Springfield hospital training school for nurses, And Miss Ruth Kozozza of South Hadley Falls, wore similar frocks of Swiss organdy in pastel shades, with matching doll hats: They carried colonial bougncts of mixed flowers in harmony with their frocks. 1.

Helmer Johnson of this city served his brother as best man, and ushers were Richard Dafresne of Newark, N. bother of the bride; Thurston. Johnson, brother of the groom; Carl Erickson and Alce Moodic, all of this city. Decorations of evergreens and white eladioli were used in the church, and Lois Williams and Lawrence Dufresno of Plainfield. as flower girl and hoy, carried a basket of flowers which they scattered in the bridal path.

.1 reception tor 200 guests followed in the church parlors, after which 1 luffet supper was served at the Dufresne home for out of town guests. The bride's mother wore A gown ot poudre blue lace, and the groom's mother wore. navy blue lace. The couple plan a wedding trip to Lake Champlain and will be at home after September 1 On Shaw strect, East Lougmeadow. Going away the bride wore navy and white redingote cusemble with white accessories, The bride is a graduate of Sander.

son academy, Ashfield, and the Springfield hospital training school for nurses in 1939. During the past sear she has done private nursing at the hospital. The groom is an electrician employed by the Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing company. Ho was educated in the local schools and is president of the Nordvatken lodge. Guests attended the wedding front this city, Plainfield.

Holyoke, Nowark. N. Boston, Fitchburg, South lladley Falls and Last "Longmeadow, ..19 4 Bring Variety of Events For Summer Vacationists Of Special Interest Is 'Beach Day' Program at Hawk's Nest Beach at Old Lyme, Ct. Tuna Fishing Is Popular Off Block Island, R. I.

Shores- -Fall Fashion Revue and Tea, Sponsored by Charlotte Cushman Club and Flower Show, Part of Program Planned for Cape Cod Vacationists Hawk's Nest Affair Today, Which Is Benefit for Colony, Will Include Sailboat Races, Ball Games, Canoe Tilting and a Tennis Tournament -Annual Masquerade Party at Vaill Hotel, Block Island, Attended by Many From This City VARIETY of events are being planned at the various shore and A weeks mountain of a resorts season as the marked by suminer an population exceptionally plans large its final number two of ideal vacation days. Of special interest to a large number in this vicinity is "beach day" which will be observed today by the Hawk's Nest association at lawk's Nest beach, Old Lyme. Ct. Tuna fishing is popular off the Block island shores and several from this city vacationing there are taking an active part in the sport. Several social affairs, including a fall fashion revue and tea sponsored by the Charlotte Cushman club, and a flower show, are being planned for Cape Cod Day" P'rogran The "beach day" program at jing three weeks at the Florida house, Hawk's Nest beach today, planned for Block Island, I.

I. They aromthe benefit. of the colony, will include vanied by their daughter. Mary Elizusailboat races. ball games, Canoe tilt- beth.

ing and a tennis tournament. The 0 0 uled high to light be be on the beach at 5. 31rs Greeley Randall of will a clambake schedserved I is spending few weeks at Many aucsts from this city and Hawk's Nest beach, Old Lyme, Ct. vicinity attended the annual querade ball hell at the Vaill hotel, Mr and Mre Fred W. ot Block Island.

last week. Prizes Riverview avenue, Longmendow. have awarded several of the costumes and house guests this weck at their lat the same time Mra George Ashbey, summer home. Rest." at victor 111 the annual golf tournament Washington. 31i4x Dorothy Oakes of hold on the island.

was presented it Summit, N. William Duncan Mactrophy. Already extensive plans are Rae, former resident of Dunmoreland being made for the holiday weekend street. this city, who is now instructor which will officially bring the sumner of music at Bucknell university, season to it close. Lewisburg.

Mr and Drs Charles Although many have planned their Taft of Burlington. Miss Luella vacation to include the holiday wok- of Howard street and Charles end. others are returning at this time W. Hutchinson of Riverview avenue, looking forward. perhaps, to few Longmeadow.

cays more of relaxation before the resorts close the winter 31r and Mrs Charles M. Cross of Those who have announced vacation Roseland terrace. Longmendow. New York are plans at this time, atre spending the Weekend at Miss Clothilda Grimaldi of Free- World's fair. Robert Ames Cross.

son returning. are: a where they arG attending the man terrace left. sosterday on an ex- of Mr and Mrs few Cross, is days' at stay. Washing. tended vacation trip which wilt take ton, D.

for a her to the Far West, the Southwest, the Grand Canyon, Catalina island, wood Dr and avenue. Dry Hobert Longmeadow, Haley of left Edge- yesBritish Columbia and Lake Louise in Canadian rockies. She will stop terday Lakes, for a for trailer several trip to weeks. Rangeley the for a time at the Biltmore hotel at Los Angeles She and- will at return the to her Mfr and Airs Richard Wilson of Bantf Springs hotel. liverview avenue.

longmeadow. will duties as assistant cashier at the local return today from short stay at of the Prudential Insurance com- Westerly. K. 1. puny some after Labor 3.

Mr and Roswell Laub of LauMr Mfrs J. A. O'Reilly of Jdgewood avenue, Longmeadow, are spend-' (Continued on J'age 2-C) Lea and Republican. 17-While the peak of the mid-summer being reached this weekend with the Boston Symphony orchestra and the the real Berkshire season comes in events and many weekend parties to Lenox dog show is being held with exhibition the following day. Fully for each show.

M. L. La Branche. is again chairman of entertainment committee and Everitt H. Pell heads the house committee.

Drs John Harvey Warren of New York, who has a house At. Sheffield this summer. was chairman of Wyantenuck trat this afternoon. Assisting were Mrs Sayre Starbuck, Mra Frederick H. Turner, William F.

Flaherty, Mrs Edwin Greene, Miss Helen Hawthorne, Drs Frank E. Crawford. Mrs James N. Taylor, Mrs R. McCormick Shields, Mrs John H.

Schmid. Airs Herman A. Metz. Drs James Lees Luidlaw of 60 East 64th street. Now York, and Col and Mrs Robert 1.

Day of New York were the honored guests at dinner. which 31r and Drs Charles Rockhill gave tonicht at Crane Hill. Great Harrington. They were also in Sir and Airs Rockhill's box tonight at Tanglewood and they will he their guests again tomorrow. Mrs laidlaw has opened her summer home, "Mountain of Echoes," at Hillsdalo, N.

Y. With her arc her son-in-law and daughter. Mr and Drs Dana C. Backand three daughters of Flushing. L.

I. Miss Katharine 1.. Rockhill 13 visiting Miss Jessica Beadles Charlotte. N. C.

Farm School Tea Ascension Farm school. South Lee, is having its annual ten and field day Thursday. the with Are Harry C. Holloway of Tamarack. Tyrgencral chairman.

Miss Alarion W. Buck of Stockbridge is chairman of the annual bazar for benefit of the school 01 Saturday: September 14. at Stockbridge town hall. James Bradley Scott. of l'ittsfield has been elected to the board of managers of the school.

Mr and Mrs Harry C. Holloway 011- mid-Au-tertained at dinner tonight at Tamarack in compliment to Mrs James M. Sheldon of Glencoe, whose daughtor. Miss Betty Sheldon, a student at the Tanglewood Academy of Music, sang in the beautiful Batch requiom Chorus Thursday evening. Guests Mir and Airs Holloway during the week at Tamarack included Mrs (Continued on.

Page 2-0) DOROTHY E. TREML IS CHURCH BRIDE Local Interest in Her Marriage to Michacl A. Stahl at Turners Falls Ceremony At St Mary's Church Of local interest was the wedding of Miss Dorothy Elizabeth Treml, daughter of Mrs F. J. Tremi of Burnett street, Turners Palls, and Michael Stall of Colfax avenue, Denver, 8011 of the late Dr and Mrs Albert Stahl, which took place yesterday morning at 10 at St Mary's church, Turners Falls.

Rev John Freck was the ofliciating clergyman. Bliss Mary Treml was her sister's maid of honor, and the Misses Martha and Barbara Treml, also sisters, and Miss Katherine Stahl, sister of the groom, were bridemaids. Joseph Stahl served his brother as best man, and Jack Kilty of New York city, Bernard Foley of Turners Falls and Gerard Fritz of Greentield ushered. The bride wore a gown of white chiffon with satin waistband and short tulle veil caught with orange bloscoms. Her bouquet was of gardenias lilies of the valley.

The maid of honor wore at period frock uf rose taffeta, with matching hat, and carried an old -fashioned bouquet. The bridemaids also wore period frocks of delphinium blue taffeta with matching hats and carried old-fashioned bouquots. The bride's mother wore dusty rose crepe gOwn with navy blue accessories and corsage. of gardenias. A wedding breakfast and reception followed at the Weldon hotel, Greenfield, after which the couple left for trip the West.

They will make a their New The bride prone city. was graduated from Smith 011 West 122d street, college and the Julliard graduate school of, music. The groom, director of admissions at Lincoln school. Columbia university. 1:15 graduated from State university and is a meml'o: of Theta Ni fraternity.

ay P'armentier Sirs Yvonne Alley of Nottingham street announces the marriage of her doughter. Miss Hazel Alley. to Maurice J. Parmentier. son of Mr.

and Mrs Camil Parmentier of' St Belgium. The ceremony took place August 1 at St Albert's church. New York city. Coper left: Airs James J. Morgan photographed in the garden of her home on Mountain road.

Hampden, Mrs Morgan is a prominent member the Springfield Garden club, serving as chairman of the recent flower show committee. Upper center: l'ictured in the garden of her summer home at Blandford is Mrs Macy of P'ark avenue, New York cits. Upper right: The Misses Bette B. Robbing and Sally K. Robbins.

daughters of Mr and Mrs Winthrop B. Robbins of Belleclaire avenuc. Longmeadow. and Blandford, photographed in the garden of their home at Blandford. Lower center: Howard Lenox and Allan Kenneth, twin sons of Mr and Sirs A.

Kenneth Simpson of Stockbridge, born Christmas day, 1935. Mrs-Simpson is the former Millicent Jenkins of Lenox. Mr Simpson is director of Berkshire Garden Center, All l'hotos br Miss Mary A. Clemmer Marries Richard Smith of Flushing, L. I.

East Longmeadow Girl Becomes Bride in Ceremony at Grace Chapel of Trinity Church Reception Follows at Home Rev Dr F. Marion Smith, who is. summering at Williamstown, ofliciated at the wedding ceremony' of Miss Mary Alice Clemmer, daughter of Mr and Mra Clarke Wescoe Clemmer of Hall Hill road, East Longmendow. and Richard Matthews Smith, son of Mr and Mrs Ralph A. Smith of Barely avenue.

Flushing, 1. which took yesterday afternoon at 4 in Grace. chapel of Trinity Methodist church. Smith is a former pastor of Trinity. Drs Dorothy Birchard Mulroney, organist.

played the tional wedding marches and other lections. Candles 411 the altar and baskets of white aladioli were used to decorate the chapel. The bride's SOWD was fashioned of Imported white frosted Swiss organdy with basque waistline and bouffant skirt. Her finger -tip veil of tulle was caught with orange blossoms. The maid of honor.

Miss Miriam Clemmer. sister of the bride, wore a frock of sunset peach swiss organdy in similar design, and the bridemaids, Misses Jane and Margaret Clemmer, also sisters. wore frocks of acquamarine blue imported Swiss organdy. All carried basket bouquets of summer larkspur. sweet peas, delphiniums, babies'-breath and daisies over their arms.

The gowns were fashioned by the bride, who majored in costume design at the Pennsylvania State college. Gerald Gritlin of New York city attended Me Smith best man. Ush. were lamind F. Wakelin Holvole and Edgar Janies of Flushing.

L. i. reception followed in the garden of the Clemmer home at East Longmeadow, where the bridal party was assisted reeciving by parents of the bride and groom. Mra Clemmer wore 1 gown of poudre blue chiffon, redingote. with white accessories and corsage of talisman roses.

Drs Smith. wore a gown of navy blue silk with white accessories and corsage of gardenias. Assisting in serving were Diss Ruth Smith, sister of the groom: Miss Mary Lee and Mira bride. Bernice Brooks, friends of the The couple have loft for A two weeks' stay at Sultair. Fire island, N.

Y. and they will be at home after September 1 ft 1. 1. Go. ing away the bride wore a navy blue silk crepey pleated frock: with long jacket coat and white accessories.

Mrs Smith was graduated in June from the Pennsylvania State college at State College. and is menher of Alpha Omicron l'i National sorority. Mr Smith was graduated from State college in 1937 and is connected the Commercial Factors corporation; l'ark avenue, New York department. Out-of-Tonn Guests Guests from out of town attending the wedding included Mr and Mrs Paul W. Clemmer of Philadelphia, Mr and Mrs.

Wayne Meschter and family of Glenside, Mr and Mrs William B. Cully, of Allentown. Mr and Mrs. Alfred C. Merrill of Philadelphia.

Mr and Mrs William B. Cully of Belchertown. Mr. and: Drs (Continued on Page.

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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