I Can't Sleep, baby... [Matt Sturniolo] - aneyeballofababydoll (2024)

y/n is a famous singer, matt couldn't stop yapping about back in a day. he was her biggest fan, knew everything about her and loved every single album, but... let's face it - the best part of it was jerking off to her photos obviously. he was absolutely obsessed with her, always madly fantasising about all of the stuff she could do to him.
and finally on one of the concerts he caught enough of her attention to make his dreams come true.

5 months passed by and now they are a happy fresh couple. so fresh that even media know nothing about them yet. the paparazzi of a worldwide star didn't catch them so far and it would be strange if they at least had a chance to spend more time with each other and show off.

y/n just finished her tour though. the same on which she slept with matt before it turned out to be something way bigger. he was a softie, always cute and clingy, but extremely respectful and she definitely wouldn't be too much if she said that he worships her every single day. sometimes it felt like he's little insecure in bed with her, thinking he's not enough, but she assured him that he doesn't need to stress about that multiple times. she loved every part of their sex. she's aware that he feels safe when she's around, he's always so excited to see her and his heart melts when she gives him a longer kiss. y/n was finding this so adorable.

now she finally stays in her apartament in LA long-term and for these 5 days straight since she arrived, matt is not leaving her for a single second. he's like a lost puppy, always by her side. he tries not to be so clingy and it shows, but she already told him that she doesn't mind at all and he has full right to seek intimacy from her now after missing her so much.

he was staying in her apartment another night in a row. she had a very weak sleep, like always and his impulsive movements woke her up. he was quietly whining and turning from side to side like he couldn't sleep, but she felt that something more was off right away.

"hey baby" she touched his head carefully before she buried her soft fingers in his hair "what happened?"

he trembled hearing her sleepy voice. "no, no...nothing" he mumbled into the pillow. it felt so embarrassing to tell her the truth. "i'll just try to go back to sleep..."

his anxious, worried voice made her heart break. he sounded guilty that he woke her up and didn't want to interrupt her anymore, but she only wanted to comfort him more after hearing that.

she frowned worried "a bad dream?" she asked with understanding voice massaging his arm "want me to hug you?"

"y-yes..." he murmured and finally turned to face her

she placed his head on her chest laying on the side and hugged him "i'm so sorry i woke you up i'm just feeling so... whiny tonight, i don't-...i don't know..." he said quietly a little nervous

"hey, hey" she caressed his hair comforting him "it's okay baby, don't worry" she kissed his forehead and could feel how his shy smile is forming on her t-shirt "but if something happened you can always tell me, you know"

he sighed quietly and she felt his warm breath on her skin "i just feel so..." he swallowed "anxious and...horny at the same time i-..." matt started stuttering "i just woke up like this, cause i had this dream about you and..." he stopped here nervously

a nasty dream about her? she probably liked that more than he could actually expect.

"i'm sorry, it's so stupid..."

"no, no absolutely not" she interrupted him and her leg automatically went a little up his "i'd like to hear more about this"

"do you really?" he blushed with a very slight smile "i don't want you to feel...obliged to do anything after i tell you..."

"no never, baby" her fingers were running circles on his back...and he was reacting to this "i'm a big girl, i can handle sum" she added with a smile

his voice sounded so pleading "o-okay so..." he started cracking his fingers under the sheets nervously "in this dream you were touching me...and stuff, you know how..." his voice getting quieter and more insecure "g-grinding on me...and ahh..." he breath in sharply because of her knee traveling up "um...you were on top of me for so long and...i-...i couldn't...stop, i was so horny...i-...i still am, but...oh god-" he cut off and groaned softly when her warm thigh smudged over his hardening length "i'm s-sorry, you're just so...um..."

"no, no don't worry about that..." she said with calm voice, trying not to make him more uncomfortable now, so she stopped moving and just kept caressing his hair...she was feeling it very well tho "it's okay..."

"but baby...i feel kinda bad, cause...um...you're trying to comfort me and i'm just...so hard, i-" he cut off again shaking a little "i d-don't know...in this dream, you were...so-...you're...every second of every d-day, you're just so so hot...i just-...we-...mmoh my god...i can't- with words..." he whined while hiding his face between her chest and her neck, but his hips started slightly moving uncontrollably to rub his underwear over her hot body "mmm..." he whimpered helplessly

she smirked and lowered her head, raising his chin slowly "you don't want to talk?" she whispered with this specific silky, seductive voice and then kissed him passionately...he instantly trembled and moaned into her lips "no wait-...i'm-...ohh..."

she slowed down and did pauses, to give him space but didn't stop kissing him. he was turning her on "i don't want to be this...ahh...horny mess...i want to be g-good...for you, y/n" he whined in between kisses

"you are so good for me..." she said while her hand traced down his body. when she reached his lower stomach, he tingled again and his breathing increased in a second "you're perfect..." she whispered

"you don't need to, no-...AHH" he moaned loudly when she finally touched his hard co*ck. she shut his mouth kissing him again, but he couldn't stop whining when she was teasing him like that

"you really had a fine dream, huh?" she smirked kissing him deeply again

he whimpered in her lips again "i can't control..." matt exhaled heavily "i'm just so needy for you...i thought it'll go away, so i won't b-bother you, but ahh...i don't know what to do with myself now..." he whined out "mmm..."

she was already shifting down a little on the sheets, even when she reached the point when their heads were on the same level.

"c'mon baby" she smiled kissing his jaw wet "say please" her voice was so mesmerizing to his ears "...like a good boy"

he instantly melted when he heard this praise. and the fact that she was still touching him like that...he was struggling to talk because of the urge to moan, she kissed his shaking lips again before he answered "p-please, c-can you... help me with that?" he stuttered the begging out of him

he was so hot and so hard for her it was overwhelming. he felt like he was going to explode from pleasure and she hasn't even really started yet. her lips were already brushing over his neck "of course i can, baby..." she whispered "i'd love to do that...lay on your back for me"

he was obedient. in a state like that he always does whatever she please. his erection was already aching for her. he got goosebumps when she put the blanket a little aside, getting some warmth out. that was the same moment when she went from caressing to actual stroking. a tingle went down his spine. and it felt too good...he didn't want to be so loud so he pursed his lips and squinted his eyes trying so hard not to scream but he was still whimpering raspy through his throat, he just couldn't help it. "i'm s-sorry that i can't a-ask you for this myself, it's..." he was breathing so harsh now that he needed a break from talking to catch his breath and keep his moans back at the same time "it's just so new and...ahh...you're so unreal, you truly are..." his voice started shaking and his neck was arching in spasms of pleasure.

her lips were now kissing his lower stomach and her other hand was caressing his waist delicately. his eyes were closed so he didn't notice when...he screamed and clenched his fists on the pillow suddenly feeling her warm mouth around his co*ck "oh my god...i-" he started whimpering and tried to calm his breathing pointlessly "you didn't had to...i want to please you, i r-really do..." he rambled

she snapped her fingers "hey" that made him look at her - he really was a horny mess. but she loved that "do you want me to suck it?" she asked with calm voice, playing with it "just say it"

he gulped and then nodded "mmyeah, yeah i do..."

"say the whole thing" her voice was still calm but more stern and forward

he whined again "but-...oh my god..." he swallowed "i want you to suck-" matt took a shaky breath and then his voice changed to a quiet insecure whisper "i want you to suck on my co*ck..."

"very good, cause i want to do the same, you know" she said with previous calmness and patience and then moved her lips all the way down his shaft once more

his moans were no longer even recognisable, they begun to trail off. he was in so much arousal and hell yeah, he sounded like it. every fiber of his being craved an org*sm from her at this moment. he was not always like this, and he was most definitely never that insanely eager and horny. but she loved that, she loved every aspect of that.

"p-please, please...slow down" he suddenly begged whiny "i n-need a break and i c-can't...even look at you, cause it's driving me nuts..." his voice was so shaky...she knew that he's just never been so overstimulated in his whole life before and had no idea how to handle it, she slowed down as he requested "please, i'm gonna cum...no baby, please stop" his voice high pitched

she smirked and stopped as he wished. she knew what he wanted...so she crawled on top of him slowly. this man was panting for his life, his fresh washed hair now glued to his forehead with sweat. she kissed his partly open lips with a smirk of satisfaction. "is my baby tired already?" she asked kissing his lips again "all worked up?" ...and again

he tried to kiss her back properly but failed "i'm sorry, i'm so sensitive...i don't know what's happening, you're-...you're just the woman of my dreams and it hits me so hard lately..." he panted out, his thumb reaching to caress her cheek

she smiled warmly staring down at him "you can ask me for stuff" she said more seriously looking him straight in the eyes "whenever you want. the worst that can happen is me giving you a kiss and kindly refusing, got that?" she brushed his hair back with her fingers and kissed on his neck "i'm your girlfriend and i'll do my best to make you feel loved okay?"

his breathing was still heavy and his state didn't change overall but she felt that he got more comfortable with it. she looked at him again and kissed his lips "so where have we stopped?" she asked smiling into his lips "was i riding you in that sweet little dream?" her voice got quiet and seductive again

he smiled with a blush also "yes you were" he said into her mouth "you were riding me so good, like you always do..." matt whispered and tugged the piece of her hair behind her ear, his other hand gripped her hip gently...his shaky lips brushed over hers when their smiles were fading away to lust again "f*ck me" he said quietly but with undeniable need "please..."

she kissed him deeply and passionately...he kissed back this time. she grabbed his still hard length again to sit on it slowly. it was so good. she broke the kiss first, letting out a long gasp, but as soon as she got all the way down he moaned with his high voice again. the pleasure was overwhelming "you're so wet" he panted

"cause you're so f*cking tempting like that" she whispered through her teeth and brought her lips down to suck on his neck "all needy and messy"

"you like that? mmmh-" he was supposed to say a full sentence without rambling but she started moving her hips back and forth and he knew that it was over. she was so tight yet so relaxed and smooth at the same time, he loved the feeling of being inside her and could never get over it, ever.

"i love that" she said straightening her spine so she could see his face when she was about to ride him harder, her face changed to this slight stern look when her hips slowed down "now beg me"

he tried to calm his breath that was going truly crazy at the moment "oh please...d-don't be cruel with me...i'll be a good boy just-...AHH" he screamed loudly when she got back to her previous tempo "please, please, please..." he was repeating all over again just getting more quiet and more mumbly but he didn't stop begging her to f*ck him "you're so beautiful..." he whined before she kissed his lips possessively again

"you're mine" she said into his moaning lips

"yes- ahh, yes ma'am, i am...i always were..." matt responded without any hesitation in his voice just audibly, slowly reaching his limits of pleasure "i really want you...i always w-want you so much, sometimes i just don't know how...t-to let it out...oh-oh my god...you're a goddess, you are...oh my- f*ck!"

his whole body was trembling under her, his mouth spitting out words of pleasure and his upcoming climax. his eyes were rolling back and his lips physically couldn't fully meet anymore, because of how overstimulated he was "oh my god, please..." he panted out talking faster and faster each second "i'm gonna cum, is it okay? please tell me if i can, please, please let me cum..." he was crying out

she caressed his hair keeping up the same pace "yes baby, yes you can" she said also out of her breath, her hair were falling all over her face. he was finding it so damn attractive "cum inside me..."

"can i really...oh my god...i can't take it..." he rambled

she's never heard someone breathing that fast and heavy, meanwhile begging so good all the time, like in some trance. his eyes were uncontrollably closing but couldn't close fully. his breathing was almost like he's going to hyperventilate himself to death just for this org*sm that she's going to give him. his whole body was trembling and his muscles were clenching his hands on her waist like it was going to help. he was such a mess.

"cum in me baby, i want it..." she whispered to his ear nibbling on it.

his whining reached the highest note possible after hearing this. couple moves later, that her hips have done on him he screamed loudly climaxing, crying out the moans and shaking, repeating "thankyouthankyouthankyou..." like it was a one long word required to be even able to cum. she slowed down immediately. his moans were cutting every second like he was finishing over and over again, arching his body slightly in euphoria and an overload of dopamine. she indeed felt his hot cum filling her up. he must have been craving this whole damn night for it to be so much fluid.

her movements finally stopped completely and matt was very slowly trying to calm himself down. she kissed him shortly with care and went to the bathroom for a moment to clean up the mess a little, promising she'll come back in a second.

when she came back she immediately hugged him tight in her arms "see?" she kissed his forehead "don't you feel better now, baby?" her fingers kept caressing his hair

he was adorable hugging her so closely that his face was completely buried in her t-shirt. he had a slight smile on and was still blushing. she couldn't even imagine a thing cuter than him.

"yhymm" he hummed "i do, but..." he stopped, pulling back to look up at her "you didn't cum, did you?" he asked with a sad voice

she thought about how to answer for a moment "i didn't cum yeah...i was just very focused on you tonight...nothing wrong with that, i'm still satisfied" she said casually and smiled to him

"but...i make you cum other...times, right?" he asked unsure and worried with this cute voice "cause i can..." he implied going down on her, already lowering his body on the sheets

her smile only widened, she stopped him "yes, yes you always do, you're the best" she said kissing his forehead again "we have so much time to do this all over again, okay? you're exhausted now and all i want is to hug you back to sleep, understood?" she pulled him towards her again

"yes...thank you" he blushed with a smile "i love you with all my heart, do you know that?" he asked into her chest

"i do" she said and then after a pause added "i love you too, darling"

I Can't Sleep, baby... [Matt Sturniolo] - aneyeballofababydoll (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Views: 5691

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.